by Derek Kuryliw | Feb 19, 2019 | Transformation Tuesday Success Stories, Uncategorized
I always told myself if I ever reached 250 pounds I would make an extreme life change. Then one day I stopped at Publix to get a sandwich on my lunch break and for giggles I stepped on the scale….it read 256 pounds! I knew right then and there something had to...
by Derek Kuryliw | Jan 29, 2019 | Lifestyle, Mental Health/Depression, Motivation & Fitness, Transformation Tuesday Success Stories, Uncategorized, Wellness
Before I started LiveFit I was living a very crazy hectic life in which nutrition and exercise were very far from my mind. I owned 2 separate bars for 10 years and was very much in the bar scene and the lifestyle that goes with it. October of 2016 I made a huge...
by Derek Kuryliw | Dec 20, 2018 | Motivation & Fitness, Uncategorized, Wellness
⚠️RANT⚠️ this is controversial and going to upset some people, but you need to hear this. If you are one of those people that continuously say that “life is short”, you are most likely living with regret and pessimism. ☹️Watch Here ⇒Stop Wasting...
by Derek Kuryliw | Dec 11, 2018 | Client Stories, Mental Health/Depression, Motivation & Fitness, Transformation Tuesday Success Stories, Uncategorized, Weight Loss
So here it is… This was way harder for me than I imagined it would be. Telling my truth and reliving the moments that lead me here proved to be an emotional process. Thank you for choosing me, it was really unexpected and I’m flattered by all the encouragement!...
by Derek Kuryliw | Dec 2, 2018 | Uncategorized
14 Day December Detox Fat Burning Plan This easy to follow, step-by-step plan will help you shed an extra 5, 7, up to 10 pounds in just 2 weeks. ==> eat real food focusing on eating healthy fruits & veggies each day ==> eat lean fat burning proteins, hunger...
by Derek Kuryliw | Nov 27, 2018 | Uncategorized
Effort + Intensity + Action…when these 3 things are consistently and deliberately in line with your expected outcome, you’ll succeed. But for most people they WANT one thing and they DO another thing, yet they still expect to succeed. Instead focus on...