by Derek Kuryliw | Aug 1, 2019 | Uncategorized
✏SAVE THE DATE ? Limited to 8 spots each- Wed 8/7 @ 7:00pm and Wed 8/14 @ 9:30am $15 per person, 60-90 minutes The ‘Science’ of Lifting Workshop small group instruction (5 trainers, 8 clients) learn proper weight lifting form & safety technique...
by Derek Kuryliw | Jul 30, 2019 | Uncategorized
2 Fit Moms Transformation Journey Tara Mill’s Story: Hi. I am a 43- year-old mother of 5! My oldest is 24, and my youngest is 6. I have always been health-conscious, and I have worked out my entire life in some shape or form, and for the most part, eat well. I...
by Derek Kuryliw | Jul 23, 2019 | Transformation Tuesday Success Stories, Uncategorized
Guest blog by Transformation Tuesday success story Esperanza Kohler… I joined LiveFit Boot Camp on a recommendation from a friend and the need to have a change in my workout routine. I had no idea what to expect other than a workout. Since joining, I cannot...
by Derek Kuryliw | Jun 30, 2019 | Transformation Tuesday Success Stories, Uncategorized
Your transformation game plan The goal for you this time of year should be to simplify, not complicate. Focus on the few things that will make the biggest impact, and committed them consistently. 1.) Move more 2.) eat slightly better 3.) avoid...
by Derek Kuryliw | Jun 25, 2019 | Client Stories, Transformation Tuesday Success Stories, Uncategorized, Weight Loss
Back in December of 2018, I weighed myself for the first time in almost a year, and when the scale revealed that I weighed over 256 pounds, I wasn’t surprised, but disappointed with myself. In fact, it wasn’t even disappointment: it was genuine...
by Derek Kuryliw | Jun 18, 2019 | Transformation Tuesday Success Stories, Uncategorized
I signed up for LiveFit about a year and a half ago. I got to a point in my life where I hated looking in the mirror anymore. My clothes didn’t fit and I had no confidence in myself. At the beginning of January 2018, I made it a goal of mine to change my lifestyle for...