by Derek Kuryliw | Jan 11, 2020 | Free Webinars, Uncategorized
So it’s the beginning of the year and so much of the American population started brand new diets this past week, including our LiveFit clients following the 6 Week Shred program. Chances are about 50/50 that you survived the week and did pretty well. Odds are...
by Derek Kuryliw | Jan 8, 2020 | Free Webinars, Lifestyle, Nutrition, Uncategorized
f you were looking for a hard-hitting, motivational email this morning, well here it is. You see, way too often people use excuses. Excuses come in a million different forms from ways of stalling, ways of avoiding, ways of deflecting, or covering up laziness. But...
by Derek Kuryliw | Jan 7, 2020 | Client Stories, Free Webinars, General, Lifestyle, Motivation & Fitness, Uncategorized
Today is day #1 of healthier eating and exercise for 150+ LiveFit clients, and about 20 newbie first timers! So needless to say, some things are going to change in people’s lives quickly. Today you can either… a) stay doing the same thing they are...
by Derek Kuryliw | Jan 2, 2020 | Free Webinars, General, Nutrition, Uncategorized
‘m so pumped for all the tools I put together for the 6 Week Shred transformation challenge, but one of them in particular I really wanted to share with you. So many people mess up breakfast and it shuts down your metabolism to start your day if you mess it up....
by Derek Kuryliw | Dec 28, 2019 | Free Webinars, General, Lifestyle
Whether you believe me or not, you have ALL the tools you need to make a major head-turning, life changing transformation in 2020. The rest is up to you and what you predominantly put your focus on. That’s it. No really, it’s that simple except as humans...
by Derek Kuryliw | Dec 18, 2019 | Free Webinars, General
I hope you are not one of “those” people who keep saying how bad 2019 was, and how 2020 will be so much better. NO IT WON’T!!! At least not if YOU don’t change anything. Too often people think change will happen without change. Or they wonder...