by Derek Kuryliw | Nov 23, 2017 | Fitness, Nutrition, Uncategorized
-2665Days -15Hours -19Minutes -7Seconds Has your transformation hit a stand still? Do you need to be held accountable and told what to do? Are you ready to step up your training? In the next 6 weeks you’ll tighten up your legs, sculpt your booty and tone your...
by Derek Kuryliw | Nov 14, 2017 | Client Stories, Fitness, Male, Motivation & Fitness, Over 20 pounds lost, Over 40, Over 50, Transformation Tuesday Success Stories, Uncategorized, Weight Loss
Transformation Tuesday blog by: Mike Taylor Well to be honest I never thought I would be in the best shape of my life and competing in my first show at the age of 54. I have always lifted weights, and I always thought my diet was pretty good but weighing in at 230lbs,...
by Derek Kuryliw | Nov 13, 2017 | Nutrition, Uncategorized
Let’s face it, we all have the right intentions but sometimes our actions don’t line up all the way. Take for instances meal planning….(GULP) You know that failing to plan is planning to fail, so what now? Today I’m going to give you 3 easy...
by Derek Kuryliw | Nov 11, 2017 | Fitness, Free Webinars, Nutrition, Uncategorized
We thank you for everything you’ve done. We thank you for everything you continue to do. And we thank you for everything you continue to deal with on a daily basis. You selflessly put your life on the line to defend our freedom as Americans and we are forever in...
by Derek Kuryliw | Nov 9, 2017 | Fitness, Free Webinars, Uncategorized
So what’s holding you back from having a flatter midsection, sculpted abdominal muscles and a stronger core? Back pain? No time? Don’t know where to start? Well Michelle and I have made things easy for you starting today! For our new coaching group we shot...