Guest post written by Jamie, a bootcamp client:

Wow Derek!… Just WOW!,

I thought Monday’s workout was torture and unbelievably I found myself WANTING to RUN! I was struggling with these thoughts as we both know how much I absolutely LOVE to run(yeah not so much)! Last night’s workout was equally as hard, only JAM PACKED into a shorter session!

Props Derek, props!

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I often wonder if you are at your computer in the darkest hour, Google searching torture methods that you can disguise as exercise! What’s more disturbing is, I find great joy in these methods. I’m either clinically insane or sadistic. I’m thinking both.

(try 2 weeks of UNLIMITED fitness boot camp sessions for only $1, click here —–> )

I should apologize to a couple people, for in my “state” I tend to spit upon exhalation. This is NOT intentional. I just lose control. It would be safe to call it oral incontinence! LOL!!!

The Spiderman pushups were pretty brutal.

I never liked Spiderman anyway.


Committed (only once to an establishment) to my fitness (in part, but progressing),



I love cool stories like this! Keep up the drive and hard work Jamie. You inspire everyone around you!

Committed to your fitness success,

Derek Kuryliw, Certified Sports Nutritionist & Personal Trainer Slim Fit Diet & Fitness, CEO/Founder

for questions or comments or 727.851.SLIM

Are you READY to try the madness and try 2 weeks of UNLIMITED fitness boot camp sessions for only $1, click here —–>