Guest blog/interview with bootcamper and Transformation Tuesday success story: Tara Foreman
Derek: How did you initially get started in your quest to get fit again?
Tara: The struggle with “my inner fat kid” is real.
One I love food!
I tried the traditional Gym, but I get bored easily and find myself doing the same repetitive exercises.
I also felt uncomfortable and judged. I would find myself finding reasons/excuses to not go. I knew that I needed to do something to get myself back into shape and healthy.
I have been in sports my entire life and was at the heaviest that I have ever been. My clothes didn’t fit and my confidence was lacking.
Derek: Tell me a little about what got you started with us at LiveFit Bootcamps?
Tara: I wanted to try bootcamp because I saw your Facebook posts and I knew I needed something that was structured… and did I mention I love food? I looked over the website and posts for a few weeks before I talked to you and decided to try it.
Derek: What were your biggest fears before starting?
Tara: It looked challenging but most of all it looked fun. I was extremely nervous at first because I didn’t think that I would be able to keep up and was afraid of that uncomfortable feeling of the “typical gym”.
Derek: What was your first impression of bootcamp and your first few weeks like?
Tara: I had a horrible time with anything upper body especially that dreaded word PUSH UPS!
Nothing was repetitive, and I knew that you would hold me responsible. I figured you don’t mind yelling at me since I have known you since elementary school.
I think this is his revenge on me for beating you in basketball all those years ago! Hahaha!
Derek: Totally not a fair statement, since you were taller than me since we were 5 years old. Foul play!
What would you tell someone who is on the fence, nervous or scared about starting bootcamp?

Tara’s Before and After measurements. The numbers #1-3 represent bodyfat pinches of the back of the arm, the belly and middle of the thigh.
Tara: After, my first few days with everyone being so helpful and welcoming, I fell in love.
I am now addicted!
I love going to bootcamp and I actually get sad when I am not able to make it to a workout.
I look forward to the daily challenges.
Derek: I love it! Any final thoughts or upcoming goals?
Tara: My “inner fat kid” is getting smaller and my step is getting lighter everyday… literally and my confidence is coming back!
An upcoming goal would be to join some of my fellow bootcamp friends in a do the Savage Run!
So everyone knows I’m a sucker for a great success story but this one is a special highlight for me.
I remember April 16th and seeing the notification “New Bootcamp Profile for Tara Pagliaro-Foreman” and thinking ‘Oh no I need to step up my game!’
That might sound crazy but, it’s really hard to train two types of people: Family and Friends
The expectations are always highest (and so is the whining usually).
Tara’s story was completely different. I remember her not being able to do a few things on her first night and how well she handled not being able to do everything.
She had completely accepted where here starting point was.
After initially testing her bodyfat I was shocked to see she was over 35% bodyfat and 186 pounds.
How? Where? No way!
Tara has the lucky advantage of being tall, a former athlete and good genetic proportions that most people have probably told her for her entire life that she “carries her weight well”.
This was not enough for Tara. She knew how she used to feel and knew what she needed to do to get it back.
As former athletes we were conditioned from a young age that hard work and a lot of sweat always equals results.
This is where I originally was mistaken…I completely underestimated Tara’s drive and competitive nature.
Her inner athlete has been Re-UNLEASHED and she is in the best shape of her adult life.
Her results are some of the best results I’ve ever had in just 16 weeks.
It all started with a little acceptance and a lot of hard work.
Now she’s got her swagger back and nothing is stopping her.
Keep kicking ass Tara and inspiring future success stories through your own results.
You never know who is sitting behind their computer right now, needing your story to inspire them to get off their butt and start their own journey.
Committed to your fitness success and the next phase of your journey,
Derek Kuryliw, Certified Sports Nutritionist & Personal Trainer Slim Fit Diet & Fitness, CEO/Founder …for questions or comments [email protected] or 727.851.SLIM
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