by Derek Kuryliw | Jan 27, 2018 | Fitness, Nutrition, Uncategorized
Gyms and Personal Trainers are FAILING YOU! There is a HUGE problem with the fitness community and after 14 years in this industry it’s SO OBVIOUS! NO ACCOUNTABILITY. Truth #1- I could write you the best workout program in the world but if you never use them,...
by Derek Kuryliw | Jan 26, 2018 | Uncategorized
-2587Days -12Hours -4Minutes -21Seconds Join us Saturday February 10th for a morning of Lifts, Love and Laughs! In 2013 we introduced Muscle Retreats to our LiveFit bootcampers and for the past 5 years we have continuously provided new exciting twists to old familiar...
by Derek Kuryliw | Jan 25, 2018 | Fitness, Nutrition
No matter what you do when you first begin a new fitness routine, SORENESS is sure to follow. Now you might not believe this, but there will be a day when you miss this soreness. Yes, it’s true! It’s important to realize though that soreness does not...
by Derek Kuryliw | Jan 24, 2018 | Fitness, Nutrition, Uncategorized
Eliminate aches and pains Getting older means more injuries right? WRONG! Your body responds to the effort and attention you give it, just like any relationship. If you stretch, work on muscle pliability and hydrate your muscles, tendons and ligaments properly your...
by Derek Kuryliw | Jan 17, 2018 | Client Stories, Male, Over 40, Transformation Tuesday Success Stories, Uncategorized, Weight Loss
Transformation Tuesday by Mike Ambrosio Thank you Derek for soliciting for my “story”… My wife, with concern for my health and longevity, had been trying to get me to join her at a LiveFit bootcamp session for years. I have never been the most physically active...