F*** is a four letter word!

I’m talking about FEAR people! Once upon a time I was fearless. I could talk to anyone, feel comfortable just about anywhere, and was open to trying anything new.

From the outside, I still appeared confident enough, but on the inside, I was struggling just to keep it together. Sometimes life can kick the crap out of you until you find yourself afraid of almost everything.

That’s exactly where I was fourteen short weeks ago when I started Live Fit; I was fifty, unfit and afraid…………especially afraid of joining a bootcamp by myself!

My FEAR said “You won’t know anyone and you’ll look awkward.”

But in reality, these are some of the nicest, most encouraging people I’ve met, EVER!

Derek had Ashley waiting for me when I arrived that first day and Micki the day after that, to show me exactly what to do.

I always had someone there for me if I needed them. And I still do!

There’s a great group of people cheering you on!

My FEAR said “You’ll be the oldest, most out of shape person there.”

But in reality, there are men and women of all shapes, sizes, ages and ability levels, all there for the same reason. To be the best THEY can be!

My FEAR said, “You can’t do any of those exercises.”

But in reality, well, I COULDN’T do some of the exercises. Wait! What? That’s right, some of the exercises, I just couldn’t do. Like sit-ups and burpees, nope, not even one!

But as weeks passed, I got better and stronger. Exercises I couldn’t do before, suddenly, I was doing them!

Okay, I admit, my first few weeks were tough! My body was aching and actually crying for the couch and a cupcake!……

But I kept telling myself to just show up!

Day 1 and Week 8 progress pictures!

And then one day I noticed something was changing inside me. The self-talk went from “just show up” to “I’m ready to kick butt today!”

I may have still looked the same on the outside, but there was a new spark on the inside that I hadn’t felt in a really long time!

Now, after fourteen weeks, I definitely can see a physical transformation taking place and I’m so proud of how far I’ve come. I’m stronger, leaner and have a lot more energy!

But my biggest transformation has taken place on the inside, the way I feel about myself, my attitude, the way I speak to myself.

I’ve found my confidence again.

If you are looking to make a change in your life, get fit, make new friends and work your butt off; stop being afraid and come out and join us!

We’re here waiting to cheer you on!

Click the picture to start your trial today in under 2 minutes…