In my life I feel like self-improvement is the most important thing I can do on a routine basis to help maximize the effectiveness on my life and all my friends, family and clients around me.

But it doesn’t just end there. There are so many components to self improvement.

There’s physical, mental, spiritual, educational and so many other aspects of your life that you can improve.

So how do you stay on track with one without pulling the attention away from one of the other areas of self-improvement?

The answer is balance.

The answer is having a plan.

The answer is having fallbacks.

The answer is having solutions to your most common problems BEFORE they arise.

The answer is having laser focus of exactly what you are trying to accomplish, in what period of time and with what consequence at the end (good or bad).

Without each of these areas of self-improvement and without each of these areas of necessary focus, your life will seem incomplete, chaotic and unfulfilled.

For me the most important thing I can do on a daily basis to increase my self-improvement is to read.

I read a lot. Mostly blogs and bite-size columns that I can intake, digest and implement quickly.

But whenever I have an extended day or two off from working I try to read books from the top entrepreneurs, motivational speakers, philosophers, business coaches and professionals in the world.

The book I read this past weekend was called The Perfect Day Formula by Craig Ballantyne.

Get your free copy here, just pay the shipping charges. 

By far this is probably the most impactful book I have read to date. It breaks down our common ‘miswirings’ as humans and gives you the bite-sized steps to identify what your perfect life would look like, how to break those down into achievable goals and the individual steps it will take on a routine basis to accomplish those goals.

Here is my “Cliff Notes” version for you:

5 Pillars to Real Life Success

1.) Planning and Preparation-

  • follow YOUR plan, not someone else’s plan for you
  • not getting diverted by “life” ex: negative people, social media, mindless internet browsing
  • setting up your “Not to Do” list of things you will not let distract you and what you will do instead
  • wake up 15 minutes earlier starting tomorrow and work on your #1 goal before any distractions

2.) Professional Accountability 

  • use software/technology to help you ex: calendar reminders, MyFitnessPal, meditation/stress reducing apps
  • hire a professional coach ex: personal trainer, business coach, life coach
  • help you cut down on the “learning curve” of weight loss, anxiety, business, etc

3.) Social Support

  • block out and limit time with negative people
  • be selective of your circle and who you share your dreams and goals with in your life
  • seek out people who motivate you, have walked the walk already, do what you do better than you

4.) Incentive or Big Victory

  • WHAT IS YOUR WHY??? If you cannot answer this, your goal is not YOUR goal it’s someone else’s goal FOR you
  • what will you gain, learn, benefit, win from accomplishing your goal?

5.) The BIG Deadline

  • you always get more done in less time when faced with a deadline
  • work will take as long as you allow it, set a deadline and get it done
  • set a deadline for everything ex: daily tasks, checking email/social media, goals, bedtime
  • OWN YOUR TIME, don’t let anyone or anything steal time from you

Set 90 Day Goals: Health, Wealth, Social and Personal

To achieve ultimate happiness you need to have continuous improvement and focus in all 4 of these areas.

Without balance we subconsciously feel incomplete internally.

Step 1- Set 1 MAJOR goal for each area of your life that you want to accomplish in a 90 day period (Health, Wealth, Social and Personal)

Step 2- Write down 3 tasks/steps/actions you can take for each of your 4 MAJOR goals 

Step 3- Write down at least 1 thing that could get in your way and 2 things you can do to prevent or overcome each

Ex: MAJOR Health Goal > Lose 20 pounds in 90 days

1. complete 4 HIIT workouts weekly,

2. no carbs after 3pm,

3. 100 squats per day

Obstacle > working late or no child care  > I will commit to doing a 20 minute HIIT workout at home or do a double workout the following day

EVERY night before bed…

  1. Write out your to-do list for the next day

  2. Schedule each of those to-do’s in a time slot throughout your day

  3. Set a deadline to complete each of those tasks

  4. Review your MAJOR goals and make sure your to-do list reflects YOUR goals

I hope this helps you to identify YOUR personal goals, break them down into 90 days of relentless ACTION, and OVERCOME the obstacles that keep getting in your way.

You deserve to live your best life possible. You and only YOU are responsible for your life.

This book will take you under 5 days to read if you spend 20 minutes a day. It’s only 150 pages and lots of spacing for easy reading 🙂

Get your free copy here, just pay the shipping charges.  

If you need help identifying your goals, breaking them down into steps or setting up your plan to overcome your obstacles I’m happy to help. Just email [email protected] or text me (727)810-4005 and we’ll get you on track!

Committed to your fitness success,

Derek Kuryliw, CSN, CPT

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