(this is a guest post by a current coaching client)


When I first immersed myself into really working hard at fitness and changing how I look (both to others and to myself), I wasn’t sure I’d really “get there”.

Reshaping and physical fitness aren’t easy achievements, and, they aren’t instant achievements.  But, the more I work at these two goals, the more I realize that if I stay on the path…I will get there.  I will get there.  But, absolutely only if I work at it consistently.

Muscle building, body toning, and physical appearance change just don’t happen in a week…or two…or three!  But, slowly, every time you take a good look at yourself in the mirror, you see the change happening.

Rounder muscles; more defines muscles; elongated muscles….hey muscles!!  And gradually your confidence builds.

Day after day you get into a workout routine:  biceps and triceps one day; shoulders and back another; chest on another day; legs another; bootcamp or bootcamp-like exercise in addition to or on alternate days; diet change; lots of water, and BOOM…you are addicted to working out.

And with that addiction comes the confidence you need…the confidence that , really, you built for yourself by simply sticking to the workout routines.  Confidence in self; confidence in the coaching you receive; confidence in the actual tough workouts will net the achievements you set out to get.  So…let’s get to it!!

Derek’s notes:

If you haven’t read Bob’s first post (Be like Bob! (Hunger for fitness at 63 years old) <—–click to read)

It’s very interesting to see the change in mindset he has undergone over the past two weeks.

Seeing, feeling and having measurable results=CONFIDENCE!

Yesterday, Bob bench pressed 155 pounds for the first time….that’s incredible after only 6 weeks of hard work. His pecs, shoulders and arms are showing increased fullness and definition in addition to his increased strength.

If you read his previous blog entry from 2 weeks ago, that guy would’ve never thought that this would be possible in this short of time. He was still struggling with the mental aspect of “Getting Started and Committing 100%”.

When you want something bad enough, anything is possible. Bob’s desire to achieve his personal fitness success overpowers his fears and discomforts of hard work, sweat, soreness and getting his but kicked at bootcamp 🙂

Until you want something so bad that you’ll do anything to not let anything stand in your way, you will never reach your full potential.

Fitness is all about making more good decisions in a day then bad ones.

Most of the time what we want and desire isn’t easily achieved….AND THAT’S WHAT MAKES IT SO SPECIAL WHEN YOU GET THERE!

Conquer your fears, do something outside the box and work relentlessly to get what you want. After all, isn’t that the “American Way”?

Committed to your fitness success,

Derek Kuryliw, Certified Sports Nutritionist & Personal Trainer
Slim Fit Diet & Fitness, CEO/Founder
for questions or comments [email protected] or 727.851.SLIM
To learn more about my fitness bootcamps (www.LiveFitBootcamps.com) or private coaching (www.DerekKuryliw.com/coaching) opportunities, click on the links. Get started for as little as $1 for your first 2 weeks!