What you need to know to feel your best…
I always encourage you to follow the lead of someone who has already had success. Follow their lead, life lessons and advice. This will ultimately lead to you learning from their mistakes and benefiting from their openness and honesty.
Below I have compiled a list of the top 7 tips from some of our most successful Transformation Tuesday ladies.
Use this tips to help refocus your emphasis and mindset to achieve an even higher level of success for yourself!
1.) Be a family leader- Amy Haskedakes
In the summer of 2014, I took my son, Ethan, five times to Adventure Island. I know exactly how many times, because I cried every single time.
I was so unhappy and I needed to do something.
I had tried diets, shots, pills, running, but nothing stuck or kept the weight off. So my friend Stephanie suggested I try her bootcamp.
My first night was brutal…It was the worst and best night of my life!
Before I knew it, it was part of my normal schedule and I couldn’t wait to see what we were going to do next.
Looking back now, I think it was the fact that I was frustrated that I wasn’t able to do some of the things yet and the excitement I felt about the things I could.
I could tell you about how excited I was about the inches I have lost or the drop in body fat or the weight I can lift/squat, etc. But honestly, my biggest accomplishment has been centered around Ethan.
Beyond my fellow bootcamp family, Ethan is my biggest source of motivation.
He gets excited to cheer me on and hear about the tires I can flip or the number of push ups I did in 60 seconds.
One of my favorite moments came when Ethan saw me and said ‘Wow Momma! I can really see all the work you have been doing at bootcamp.”
It isn’t just about what you see on the outside either.
I am now the one planning and taking him to things like the beach and canoeing and they are MY idea!!
I know that more than anything, I am teaching him to be healthier, be stronger (mentally and physically), and to accept and love yourself more.
For others like me, the advice I would give you is, reach out and do it.
I know you are busy, I know your job is stressful, I know you have a lot going on, but just start.
Don’t wait another day!
The sense of self confidence I am gaining is worth every moment of time I am putting in.
Reach out to the trainers and the other boot campers, they are like family. They pick you up when you need it, they push you when you can’t push yourself anymore, they listen, they let you cry, they laugh with you, they even cheer when you puke!
2.) Master your nutrition- Cassandra “Tuti” Rosario
My biggest goal was learning about nutrition since I seemed to lack in that department. After attending Derek’s Mastermind Nutrition seminar in January I had a clear plan of exactly what I needed to do.
I also started personal training with Rich and boy did he awaken the beast in me. Before if someone ever told me to flex I’d chuckle, but now I proudly flex and show off the muscles I worked so hard in getting.
All the trainers never gave up on me, they knew I could do it and helped me form that confidence that I lacked.
Everyone became a family to me and I truly love going to Bootcamp.
For those that are afraid I’d say take the first step and attend a session, you will not regret it. I look forward to growing everyday physically and mentally.
3.) Recruit a friend- Lisa McConnell
I can’t tell you what a difference it makes having someone with you. I NEVER would have come this far without her.
But when it’s more than just you “suffering” it makes all the difference in the world. Having a friend by your side doesn’t make the drive so long, or those burpees so hard, or Rich pushing you to go harder/faster/longer, all that bad.
I’m not going to lie. It was BRUTAL.
There were days I would be crawling to the next station. And just when I was thinking, “there’s no way I can do this” I would look over and there would be Alison, dragging her carcass across the floor right along with me. That keeps you going like nothing else can!
Staying dedicated is easy when you have amazing, fun trainers! You actually like them as people, even when they’re making you work until your limbs fall off! And the other members are just as friendly and motivating, never hesitating to take first timers under their wing.
No matter what level you are, you always feel like you belong.
4.) Find balance, not restrictions- Brandi Diaz
After my transformation story, I really hit a plateau. I kept working out, trying to eat right, but I just couldn’t find my niche.
Then in November, Derek put together a little challenge just to help keep us on track through the holidays. Following those guidelines I really seemed to find my balance in life. I needed to find eating habits that were more “real life” and would fit into my daily life with my family.
I learned how to eat and yet not have massive restrictions. I’m pretty strict during the work week, but I still eat whatever the entire family is having for dinner. I just watch portions and I make sure all my numbers work out for the day on MyFitnessPal. I really liked it!
It didn’t feel like a “diet” so I just stuck to it.
5.) This is YOUR time- Jen Hall
This is the one hour out of my day that belongs to me.
At the age of 40 with two young kids, I don’t have the time to be tired. It can’t be an excuse for me, it’s a reason to go work out.
It’s because of bootcamp and PT that I am a mom who has energy and is happy and ready to take on the day.
I need my bootcamp and PT-it’s my “me time”!
I always feel so much better after working out. I am truly blessed to have found such an awesome place to work out and the best part is the amazing people I get to work out with!!!!
6.) Don’t quit on yourself- Melanie Hamm
My initial fears and struggle were finding time to make fitness a priority in my life with two small children, who I am solely responsible for home as my husband works long hours.
I also suffer from some amount of social anxiety so just making it to bootcamp and meeting new people was a major, MAJOR step for me. Luckily, I had my friends Crystal and Michelle to support me in that first initial scary step.
I started at the beginning of a transformation challenge and my first night I flipped a tractor tire and I.was.hooked!
Something else that was amazing (and different!) about bootcamp was the atmosphere. It was exciting and welcoming and inspiring.
Seriously, you could feel the electricity and passion in the air. I saw mamas with their grown daughters working out together. I saw people at all stages in their fitness journey.
I witnessed a level of humanity I haven’t seen much recently, and it was as refreshing as it was inspiring.
I had plenty of moments of self doubt and even a few brief “I’m not sure this is for me” thoughts, but ultimately the near immediate results were addicting and I wanted more.
I have a confession though, I’m a quitter. It’s a terrible thing.
I am the last to give up on others, but the first to give up on myself.
The more I turned that thought over in my mind, I realized I had to change that! My daughters are watching me.
They will do as I do, not as I say. So, there’s no stopping me now. Where my mind goes, my body will follow.
7.) Trust the process and just show up- Suzi Brown
I have to be honest, I was very nervous and scared to try bootcamp.
I hate making myself look stupid and I didn’t know if I would be able to do it. I didn’t know what other bootcampers would think of me if I struggled, if I puked, or the fact that I couldn’t do a complete push up.
So if you are in the same position I was back in January and you are contemplating whether bootcamp is for you or not, just try it!!
I was very nervous and I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I walked in and there was Shelly and Derek, warm and welcoming.
So it was Monday, January 12th, the first day of the challenge, I felt like I can do this, I thought I was in okay shape but boy was I wrong!
I was the last one to finish that session and I felt like a complete failure.
It took me until that Saturday to return and I am so glad that I did. There wasn’t one person that was there that wasn’t welcoming and encouraging, they all supported each other.
Never once have I been at bootcamp where someone made me feel uncomfortable or embarrassed. You get nothing but love, support and encouragement from these amazing people. That right there made my decision easy about joining bootcamp and I am so grateful that I did!!
So as I said before, my first day was somewhat challenging for me and I wasn’t happy that I was the last to finish but we all have to start somewhere. At the end of the challenge I was able to reduce my time by 17 minutes and I felt amazing!!
I lost several inches, I decreased my body fat by 5%, I was gaining lean muscle and I was getting closer to my goal of looking fit for my wedding day!!
I continued to go to bootcamp everyday, sometimes doing two to three sessions a night! That’s how much I loved it and I had a goal of getting abs for my wedding day!
By April 4th, my wedding day, I had reached my goal. I was happy with my body, I felt comfortable in my own skin and I had gained so much confidence.
Now that I am married fitness is still a huge part of my life and I continue to strive towards new goals, like being able to aim for abs again, to lift heavier or to be able to flip big bertha the 600 pound tractor tire!!
Whatever your goal is anything is possible if you trust the process and just show up!!
I promise you won’t be disappointed!!
YOU could be our next Transformation Tuesday success…
What’s holding you back?
What is missing from your mindset?
What fears do you need to overcome?
Regardless of what stands in your way, if you want the results, we are here to help you every step of the way!
Committed to your fitness success,
Derek Kuryliw, CEO & Founder
Have a question for me? I’d love to hear from you. Please fill out the form below and I’ll reply back as quickly as possible!