Guest blog by Catie Mansfield, a lifelong friend, neighbor, classmate and the wittiest sense of humor I know!
In 2011 I had just graduated law school. Two weeks before my bar exam, my mom died.
She had a condition called Vasculitis which causes the veins to expand and burst. She had it in her brain. We didn’t know she had this condition so everything happened so fast and unexpectedly. So, now my dad, brothers and I had to plan a funeral and I had to try to continue to study for the bar.
It was beyond stressful. I ended up gaining 30 pounds over a 6 month period because in our family the way to feel better is to eat and drink. (Catie is Irish!)
About a year ago I decided that for my Christmas gift that I would ask for a personal trainer. I started with the trainer in January, going twice a week, every week.
I gained 6 pounds!
That obviously wasn’t working. I needed to do something else.
I decided to try boot camp because Derek always posted about it on Facebook and boot camp looked like it could be fun.
Not the traditional running on a treadmill, lifting weights kind of workout.
After the first workout, I was hooked.
Within the first few weeks I had lost a few pounds. That made me feel good, something was working!
After a few more weeks, people at work started complimenting me about looking thinner. (Wooo Hooo!!)
But I hadn’t lost any more weight. I figured that since I was working out I could eat whatever I wanted.
Yeah, not true!
In October 2014 we started our Weight Loss Challenge. I decided that I would really focus on my eating. I ate more fresh vegetables and fruits. I decided to cut back on my cheese consumption and I didn’t drink any alcohol (What was I thinking?!).
I ended up losing about 14 pounds overall. Hooray!
I continue to watch what I eat and I am still losing weight. While I had some hurdles to overcome, being able to reach my goals is most important to me.
I was able to pass the bar exam.
I was able to lose almost all of the 30 pounds that I gained!
Most importantly, I know would have made my mom proud.
UPDATE November 2015:
I lost weight but I hadn’t hit my goal. I wanted to lose more and gain more muscle.
I wanted my body fat to go down.I got frustrated. I hit a plateau.
At the end of this past August, I was picked to join in Sara’s Little Black Dress Program.
It was an intense 5 weeks.
I ended up losing a few extra pounds to bring the total weight lost to 50 pounds!
What was even more exciting was my body fat percentage was at 17%! Not yet my goal but encouraged me to keep going.
I couldn’t have done any of this without the help from everyone at LiveFit and taking advatage of what is offered!
-Catie Mansfield
My side of the story!
Each client, each story and each transformation is important to me. But this one is extra special.
When Catie initially messaged me to say she was going to join our bootcamp team I was really excited.
Since she was a former athlete so I knew that she would have a benefit of better coordination but, I had not seen her in years and didn’t know if she had worked out, played any sports or what she had been up to for the past two years.
When I heard that she had been working with a trainer for a few months I figured she’d be ready for me.
I was wrong!
I remember her face after the first day. I wasn’t quite sure how to read it. It was a look of ‘I just got my butt kicked’ and ‘this is what I’ve been missing’ combined in one.
Within the first few weeks, I started noticing her staying for double sessions, staying after to work on exercises she struggled with and starting to befriend other bootcampers.
That’s when I knew she would be successful.
Now it’s not uncommon to find Catie helping other new comers with their struggles and offering her own tips to them.
Now she is one of the ladies that the new bootcampers look up to.
Congratulations on your success so far, this is only the beginning!
Your mom would be very proud.
I am!
Below are updated pictures of Catie’s success, make sure you scroll down.
Committed to your fitness success,
Derek Kuryliw, Certified Sports Nutritionist & Personal Trainer Slim Fit Diet & Fitness, CEO/Founder
…for questions or comments [email protected]
Work directly with me daily at Live Fit Bootcamps in New Port Richey, FL. Get started today and try your first 2 weeks for only $1! Click here to register online