Guest blog post by Jen Hall, a 40 year old mother of two…

My first Transformation Tuesday feature Christmas Eve 2014!
After having 2 children I was desperate to get back to my pre-baby body and weight.
For years I kept saying I was starting my new diet and work out regime “this Monday”. Well after years of failing to make this a part of my life I decided the next Monday was it!
My sister-in-law, Sara Crosswhite, had mentioned a bootcamp she had discovered and I was willing to give it a try. Best part, was it was right down the street from me.
I showed up to my first day which happened to be the same day as the end of a 30 day challenge.
I knew I was out of shape but had no idea how bad I was out of shape. That first work out kicked my butt, I couldn’t even do one V-Up crunch.
From day one, I was hooked. I love the team environment and not knowing what each session will bring. Derek always changes it up!
I was no stranger to the gym but it had been 5 years and 2 pregnancies so it was like starting all over for sure.
This is the one hour out of my day that belongs to me.
If there is anyone out there looking for fun and challenging way to transform their body, then I highly recommend checking this bootcamp out.
You won’t find a more passionate and effective leader then Derek, nor a group of people to surround yourself with that will encourage you every step of the way.
I feel lucky to have found such a gold mine!
My body hasn’t been in shape like this since before I had my kids and the best part is I’m not done yet.
I am looking forward to what this next year has in store!
UPDATE 3/07/16…
At the age of 40 with two young kids, I don’t have the time to be tired. It can’t be an excuse for me, it’s a reason to go work out.
It’s because of bootcamp and PT that I am a mom who has energy and is happy and ready to take on the day.
I need my bootcamp and PT-it’s my “me time”!
I always feel so much better after working out. I am truly blessed to have found such an awesome place to work out and the best part is the amazing people I get to work out with!!!!
Have a question for me? I’d love to hear from you. Please fill out the form below and I’ll reply back as quickly as possible!