Guest blog post by Transformation Tuesday success story and mother of 2, Amanda Beiter:
Derek, this is my story and I’m sticking to it.
I have always tried to be athletic…sort of.
In high school I ran cross country and in college I played softball (recreationally). But in my adulthood, my ambition just stopped.
Since high school the scale just continued to climb for me. I topped out at 206 after the birth of my second son.
I was unhappy with the way I looked but I was completely unmotivated to do anything about it, until my friend started doing bootcamp.
She was the opposite of athletic but she did it, loved it, and got amazing results!
So one day, after many bribes, I finally decided to try it out.
The beginning of bootcamp…
On my first night I broke 2 bats doing tire slams. It made me feel strong again, not weak and worthless which was where I was.
So I joined….in the first month I saw amazing results that I never expected.
Soon the weight was just melting off….well kind of. The numbers on the scale weren’t moving.
When I started bootcamp in November I was 176 lbs, I was still in the 170’s a month later even though I saw a huge difference in the way my body looked.
That’s when I realized the number on the scale doesn’t matter. Its all about the number on the weights and the number of reps you can do.
To see changes you have to make changes…
When I finally made the decision to stop drinking soda, that all changed though.
Since January I am down from a size 16 pant to a size 6. Even at my lightest weight (in high school) I wasn’t a size 6.
I still have a ways to go to enjoy my reflection but I am so much closer than I have ever been.
I want to see how strong I can get. It isn’t about the weight loss anymore, its about pushing my limits on the weights.
I am so happy to have such a strong support system. Not only at home but through facebook and at bootcamp.
I love how much the trainers push me and how attentive they are. I love that they hold me accountable for my actions…. I will miss it terribly.
I am sad to have to leave my bootcamp family at the end of this month, but I have come across another journey that will keep me too far away.
Thank you so much to my fit family, without you, this journey never would have been possible.