I’ve always been a “big guy”, and a bit self conscious about being overweight. Over the years I’ve tried several diets and working out on my own, and it works for a while, but I’ve never been able to make it “stick” and I decide to settle for who I have always been.

Jon's Transformation Tuesday that got me started!

Jon’s Transformation Tuesday that got me started!

Several months ago, my good friend, Jon, told me about his experience at Bootcamp.

“Sounds like fun,” I thought, “but it’s not for me.” 

After seeing his transformation story and with my wife and son’s encouragement, I decided to give it a shot.

All three of us tried a 6am session. It was tough, and, even though I left feeling beat, soon after I felt good about it. We decided to go back but then the next day, I was so sore I could barely get out of bed.

I got some great tips from Jon and the trainers at LiveFit on how to overcome the aches and be ready for the next session.

We did another session, then another, then another, before we knew it we were there 4 or 5 times a week and feeling better about ourselves each time.

Rich front fat loss before after pictureIt hasn’t been easy, but I know the things that are most valuable, don’t come easy.

In the last 2 months I’ve made some new friends and found a great way to spend time with my family, but most importantly, I’ve found a better version of “Me.”

We are all getting into shape (and not the “round” I‘ve settled with before).

I’ve been encouraged by friends and family in my previous efforts, but the support of everyone here is amazing. I feel stronger and more energized than I have in years.

Over the years, I have always been able to successfully complete an annual physical assessment test for work but have often stressed out about my performance.

I’ve already noticed a difference in my daily activity, and my next goal is to significantly improve my time on the course.

If I happen to build my self confidence in the process…..well, that’s another goal.

All in all, the best advise I’ve gotten is “Show up and do something!”


Rich husband weight loss bootcamp success story

Start your own transformation just like Rich!
arrows-pointing-downF Your Scale transformation challenge 2