What an incredible, inspiring and motivating week it was!
This week I kicked off my 6 Week Body Transformation Challenge. 86 men, women, moms and dads all with one goal in mind…SUCCESS!!
By Wednesday, everyone was sore (all over!) but showed up, worked hard and afterwards got to meet their individual teams and team captains. I chose two captains who show the same level of commitment, compassion and work ethic that i expect from myself.
It was both easy and hard to make my decision for captains.
It was an easy decision because I’ve trained these two people for a long time and I’ve gotten to know them personally. They are both extremely hard workers who always put in extra work and help push others to excel around them. They both also happen to be parents and entrepreneurs. Put it simple, they know how to get shit done!
The reason it was a hard decision to chose two captains is because these previous sentences describe each and every one of my clients, my friends and the people that are close to me. They all get shit done!
The reason I’m sharing this with you is that I want to share a very important lesson I’ve learned about being successful.
It doesn’t matter where you’re looking for success. It could be with your business, your fitness, your nutrition (or anything really).
When you surround yourself with success, you have a much better chance of being successful yourself.
This is extremely important for weight loss too.
An obesity study in the New England Journal of Medicine, revealed that people were most likely to become obese when a friend became obese. In fact, it increased chances of becoming obese by 57 percent.
The greatest influence of all was between mutual close friends. If one became obese, the other had a 171 percent increased chance of becoming obese too.
It’s crazy but true. Take a second to think about that. It probably has to do with feeling comfortable around the people you’re with.
If you’re looking to lose weight, you don’t have to have a bunch of fitness guru friends, BUT you do need to surround yourself with people with similar goals or at the very least people that support your goals.
This has been one of the hardest things for me to learn myself but, it has become one of the most important actions towards my success.
I seriously consider who I surround myself with and I actually ‘unfriend’ those that don’t support me or if they’re sabotaging my goals.
I also think it is important to support the goals of those in my life too. I want to surround myself with people that are driven, goal oriented and action takers…doers!
There are always going to be people you can not completely avoid. Your best bet is to avoid letting them distract you from your progress.
Think about your colleagues, friends, family and social circles.
Is someone always trying to get you to go out to eat or out for drinks? Is there someone who just wants you to stay home or go hang out instead of going to work out? Or my personal favorite…”oh you look fine, you do need to lose anything” (When you know that you’d be happier and healthier if you did).
Each name that just popped in your head, you might want to consider how much time you spend with them.
I know it’s tough, but being unhealthy is even tougher.
I hope this tip will help keep you focused and on track for 2014…surround yourself with those that inspire you!
Committed to your fitness success,
Derek Kuryliw, Certified Sports Nutritionist & Personal Trainer Slim Fit Diet & Fitness, CEO/Founder
…for questions or comments [email protected] or 727.851.SLIM