Transformation Tuesday blog by Live Fit bootcamper: JT Squillante
I got started because I was fresh out of high school and a friend of mine wanted to try it and not go alone.
I originally started only as support for a friend.
I honestly did not have many fears going in because I was only planning on attending the first two weeks. But then I was hooked.
The biggest obstacle I have had to overcome was my shoulder injury.
In January 2014 I was playing football when I broke my collarbone in two places making a tackle, or attempting to make one at least. I have had to have a titanium plate and 10 screws put in place.
After 3 months of physical therapy and rehab I was able to begin using my arm for normal day-to-day activities.
When I talk to anyone about possibly doing bootcamp the one thing I tell them is to just join!
I feel that you really cannot explain the feeling of transforming your body to someone. But if they join they will feel the transformation take place in themselves. Then they will not be able to thank you enough!
The amount of support and motivation everyone gets after joining bootcamp is amazing and unbelievable. It doesn’t matter if this is your first day or you have been a part of this family for years, everyone receives the same amount of support that you can simply not get anywhere else.
Some of my upcoming goals are to get my diet and nutrition at a 100%.
I also want to possibly work towards competing in a physique competition with the support of everyone at bootcamp.
I love the change I have seen so far but I know the work is nowhere near done. I couldn’t be more excited to work towards my fitness goals for 2015.
The LiveFit family has helped me achieve goals I never thought I would.
I cannot thank Derek, Rich, Richard, Sara and every single fellow bootcamper enough for everything they have done for me already in only my 6 short months.
1 Year Follow-Up…
Since my transformation which I still cannot believe was over a year ago (I guess time flies when you are having fun) I have learned way more then I could have imagined.
Fitness is a way of life, a way to make sure you are willing and able to do the things you want in life. Fitness is so much more then looking good in a bathing suit and eating salads with fat free dressing.
I have become 10 times more confident in everything I do. I actually believe in myself and I no longer have that little voice inside saying “you can’t do this”. If I want something in life I have the strength mentally and physically to go out and get it.
One of the biggest lessons I have learned is that nothing worth having will come overnight. You can’t workout one day and be fit the next. It takes time, dedication and commitment, but it all starts in your head.
When I was approached with the opportunity to help others feel this way about each other I was thrilled, but I was scared to death. One of my biggest fears was public speaking or being in the spotlight in front of strangers.
I was terrified to speak in front of people and now I would have to yell and motivate 15-30 people every half hour!
I remember going home and talking with my parents and they said “give it a shot what do you have to lose”. So I did.
It has been one of the best decisions in my life. I continue to learn every single day but I have some of the best mentors in my life at Bootcamp. Derek, Rich and Sara are amazing trainers but even better people.
I couldn’t even begin to tell you what I have learned from each and everyone of them. I still get nervous before most Bootcamps that I instruct, but that’s what keeps me going. The nerves and butterflies I get before Bootcamp is what I need.
I am not the type of person to get bored at what I am doing. Every day is a new adventure and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. The energy, the excitement, the smiles, the laughs from everyone from Bootcamp is what I do it for.
Add in the opportunity to help others feel confident and feel good in there own skin and I have the best job in the world!
I am looking forward to taking my fitness as well as the fitness of my clients to the next level. 2016 will definitely be a fun year! ??
Derek here….
JT is officially our youngest Transformation Tuesday story ever.
Just as he said, when he first started with us, I didn’t really see him as being a challenging client. He was young and seemed pretty athletic. When he told me about his injury I couldn’t believe what he had just gone through.
Upper body strength was really limited with JT in the beginning, but what he lacked in strength he made up for with hustle.
He adjusted quickly to instruction, was motivated and more importantly he didn’t quit when he got tired. He always finished.
JT’s great story above is just a piece of the puzzle. There’s a greater person behind the story and a future leader.
At the young age of 19 years old he was the manager of an Arby’s location, over come injuries, made life altering changes to take care of his health and he motivates so many of our other Live Fit Bootcamp clients to push just a little harder each day.
He’s is and was a silent leader. One that leads by example and not his mouth.
Working out has done for JT what it has for so many others of all ages, shapes, sizes and previous injuries, it has given him the confidence to want to be the best version of himself.
It has given him the confidence to try new things.
It has given him the confidence to set bigger goals.
Add that to looking your best, what more could you ask for?
Now JT has transitioned into a vocal leader who is inspiring and motivating people double and triple his age!
That is NOT an easy thing to do. I know this because I was put into the same position at 25 years old and I was scared!
There is something special to be said of someone who has walked the walk before they talk the talk.
In order to have others follow in your footsteps, you have to carve the path before them.
This young 21 year old leader has done and continues to do exactly that!
Committed to your fitness success,
Derek Kuryliw
Live Fit Bootcamps- Owner/Creator
…for questions or comments, shoot me an email to [email protected]