The next Transformation Tuesday could be YOU…

When this week rolled around and I needed to make a choice on a Transformation Tuesday feature, but only one thought came to mind…give them the recipe, the secret sauce, the formula for success!

Most people come to me thinking that they need to have some massive epiphany in their life to begin their fitness quest. This is so far from being the truth.

The truth? The majority of my best success stories have gotten started with me because they were sick and tired of being sick and tired. Period. End of sentence.

They didn’t have some master plan, the perfect method or even any idea of how to get started. But, the did just that….they just got started!

Why They Decided To Transform

“I didn’t wake up one morning and decide to change my life. There wasn’t one specific event, a recurring image from my past, or negative thoughts that made me completely transform. For me, it was a process that took place over many months and even years that finally led me to where I am today.”

Most of my clients have been active for most of their lives, but poor eating habits and laziness outside of work, family life and hobbies leave them at an unhealthy weight for their age.

Most of my best clients initially started gaining weight during college or pregnancy, but weren’t concerned with their weight or appearance. They were totally occupied with starting a new chapter in their life of parenthood or beginning a career.

Even when they stepped on a scale and got a rude reality check, they just push their health aside. All of the drinking and late night fast food takes its toll on the body, but as shocked as they were to see the number on the scale, they did nothing about it.

During the next few years of starting their careers or parenthood, their weight stayed roughly the same. The drinking and late night snacks slowed down slightly, but they were still eating garbage and considered walking through the grocery store parking lot as a form of intense exercise.

Most of my most successful clients have also went through some emotional struggles and have a bad relationship with food.

Their First Diet 

Most of my best success stories know which foods are healthy and what they should be doing but, they pushed their knowledge aside and convinced themselves that the only way to continue losing weight was by not eating. At some point they started recording every bite of food and limited themselves to 1000 calories per day or less.

Because less always equals less and more always equals more right?

They ate processed junk like frozen diet meals and 100-calorie snack packs. They were only concerned with calorie counts, not nutritional value.

They saw progress, but the weight came off very slowly and eventually stopped.

They were starving by taking in minimal calories and fake food. They were hungry all the time and barely had enough energy to roll themselves out of bed if they were lucky.

So eventually (after yo yo-ing a few times) they decided they needed to exercise to see more results.

Their First Exercise Michelle transformation tuesday mom success story

They became a cardio queen. (yes, even the men are cardio queens!)

They spent hours on the elliptical and treadmill, because that’s what you’re supposed to do right? (I see plenty of overweight people walking and riding a bike everyday. Just because it’s a machine in a gym, doesn’t make it more effective.)

They thought it was the only way to burn calories and lose weight. If they lifted weights, they thought they’d end up looking like a ‘bulky’ guy.

To their surprise, they started losing more and more weight.

But, even with the increased weight loss, their body wasn’t looking the way they wanted it to. They felt flabby, weak, and eventually hit another plateau or got burnt out. They knew it was time for something different.

Then a friend recommended to them to try my fitness bootcamp program for 2 weeks for only $1.

They rolled their eyes, knowing their friend was right 🙂

How They Became a Success Story

They started feeling better, when they noticed the slight change in their body. They liked what they saw, and from that point on they decided to take their weight loss, fitness and health goals further.

They had no expectations and no plan, but knew they felt better about themselves after losing a little weight.

They wanted that feeling to continue. Never in their wildest dreams did they think their body would transform into what it is today.

They were hesitant to increase their calories because they thought more calories equaled more weight gain. After getting over their fear of eating, they slowly increased their calories.

They overhauled their eating habits to see maximum results, which meant no more processed junk. They only ate ‘real’ foods, planned everything in advance, and started eating close to 2000 calories a day. Everything just clicked.

After getting up the courage to “hit the weights” and allow themselves to be challenged, they started advancing.

They loved seeing the transformation their body went though. Flab started to disappear and muscles that they never saw before started to form.

They were hooked.IMG951645

Your SECRET SAUCE to Your Own Transformation Story

  1. Get STARTED
  3. Add something new FREQUENTLY
  4. Hold yourself ACCOUNTABLE
  5. EVALUATE your progress and MODIFY accordingly
  6. BONUS…..NEVER QUIT, because you’ll eventually have to either start over again or give up on yourself (bad options)

Just because it’s Tuesday doesn’t mean it’s too late to start something great this week.

You don’t have to wait until the perfect Monday.

You just have to get started.

Happy Transformation Tuesday to you!

Committed to your fitness success and the next phase of your journey,

Derek Kuryliw, Certified Sports Nutritionist & Personal Trainer, CEO/Founder …for questions or comments [email protected]

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