Fitness is not easy. If it were, everybody would be doing it.
The key is finding something you love. Something that you can get yourself motivated to do day in and day out, month after month and year after year.
Just like brushing your teeth, exercise needs to be one of your daily habits and routines.
Some people are much more successful at this than others. Some people are driven by organization, clarity and accomplishing a goal.
Out of those few, even fewer take their fitness to the next level to help TEACH, INSPIRE and PAY it FORWARD to the next group of future fitness enthusiasts.
Sara Crosswhite is without a doubt one of those people. When she first started bootcamp she had questions. Lots and lots of questions!
There was not a single time in her fitness journey that I ever minded going above and beyond and elaborating deeper than I would to another client.
Why? She wasn’t an “ASKHOLE”
Ask-hole definition- An askhole is basically a person who asks for your opinion or advice, yet never uses your advice and does the opposite of what you said to do. Askholes sometimes ask questions for the sake of asking questions or making conversation out of their boredom and free time, basically using you.
Instead I would argue that she has listened to and absorb every single fitness tip that I’ve ever given her and in return has taught it to hundreds of others in a quest to transform their lives just as she has done.
She is a leader.
Just as she has inspired all of the LiveFit ladies over the past three years, she is now continuing her career as a counselor and will be leading the youth of our community.
Those same skills: organization, pursuit of perfection, organization, discipline, organization and consistency will now be the foundation in which 3 year olds all the way up to young teenagers build their character on. (<<yes I said ORGANIZATION 3x’s…for real though!)
While we say goodbye to Sara the trainer, she will be even more involved with LiveFit returning to bootcamp as a client. She will continue to lead and inspire all of those around her still by her actions, commitment and consistency.
Here’s a look back at some pictures, video and highlights of her past 4 years with LiveFit including her Transformation Tuesday stories and Little Black Dress coaching groups at the bottom of this page!
How I changed my life (Sara’s recipe for success and happiness)
Guest blog by bootcamper: Sara Crosswhite
On April 9 2013, I decided I was over feeling tired, being out of shape and having no energy to play with my two small kids. I searched on the internet for many different things, gym memberships, classes, and boot camps.
I came across I looked at the website and the location and decided I would call. I spoke with Derek and set up an appointment to go the next day for a bootcamp session and to get information regarding his program.
I was so nervous and excited at the same time. I went the first day I honestly don’t remember the first bootcamp session, I do remember meeting with Derek after and him asking me my goal, he said would you like to do a fitness competition. I laughed out loud and said “no way”!
Since day one I was addicted I loved each session, some more than others but they all still were great.
I talked about attending bootcamp so much with my husband and sister in law they started to attend a month later!
As a teenage I had some issues with eating disorder. I had times in my adolescence and young adulthood where I would have been classified as Anorexic.
So when it came to losing weight I did not have a good history with doing it in a healthy manner. I knew with two small children watching me I had to loss weigh and become healthier in a positive manner.
I really watched what I said around them I did not want to say I had to lose weight or I feel fat because I did not want them to pick up on negativity of body image I may have been feeling.
I continued to attend bootcamp four times a week and participated in each challenge that Derek would put out there. I lost weight and gained muscle and was feeling so much better about myself.
Then in September 2013, I attended The St. Pete Classic in which two fellow bootcampers were competing in the bikini division.
That evening I said I wanted to do that to my husband, who then informed Derek. And from that point it was kind of joke.
Then 13 weeks ago I sat down with Rich and Derek and asked if it would be possible for me to really compete. They both said yes, so I committed to doing my first bikini competition June 7, the Tampa Bay Classic.
The 13 weeks of training had its ups and downs, mostly ups. I had a few setbacks and doubts in myself throughout the 13 weeks. But Derek, Rich and my training partner Jen Klo-J seemed to know when I needed that extra push or the extra kind word to give me the hope I could do this.
During training I spent a lot of time away from my family but my husband, Shawn, many of you may call him “Beard”, was AMAZING, many nights he would feed the kids dinner and put them to bed.

…he had my own worst critic judge me, MYSELF!
He stepped up so much to help me achieve my goal. He never made me feel guilty for being away or putting more of the household responsibilities in him.
I can’t say Thank you enough to him, he is the best supporter ever!
6 days away from my competition date I was lifting at home and I was tired and unmotivated. I looked down and I was wearing my undergrad college sweatshirt and I remembered my high school guidance counselor saying to me I would not be able to go there, I said “watch me”.
I needed that determination, passion and fire within myself to continue to push through the last 6 days of training. I found it amazing how things around me seemed to give me what I needed to get to my goal.
I just competed in my first bikini competition this past Saturday, there was 14 women in my division. I felt AWESOME; it all came together, the training, the diet, the practicing poses, and all the prepping for the day.
After it was all over all I said “that was that was fun, I am going to do that again”.
So August 23, Lakeland Bodybuilding Classic here I come!
I encourage everyone to set a goal, any goal. It gives you the extra push and reason to train. It helps drive you to do what is best to achieve your goal, even when you don’t feel like it or you’re feeling down on yourself.
My life and my family’s lives have changed since April 2013, we are healthier, we are happier and we have made lifelong friends along the way.
LiveFit bootcamps is not only the place I train, it is really a home away from home. I enjoy going there and being able to see friends and challenging myself every day.
I hope anyone reading this finds their goal and has meet people to give them the encouragement and extra push we all need at times.
2014 Tampa Bay Classic bikini competitor,
Sara Crosswhite
Here’s an update on Sara’s journey:
Since that statement was made in September 2013, I have competed in 7 NPC Bikini Division shows.
I have placed 4th twice, 3rd twice and 1st once.
The last two years I have learned a lot about myself, my body and what works better with my diet and training when competing.
My fitness journey started with Derek to just feel a little better about myself and it has turned into a new career and opportunity to help others feel better and live healthier lives for themselves and their own families.
I do not know if I will complete again next year. I am still thinking about it, however I am excited to be part of the Livefit Legion team to help others who are interested in competing prepare to present the best version of themselves.
The Little Black Dress Coaching Group
Think about it, I’m sure you have been through this before…
You have either:
1.) cut your calories drastically,
2.) worked out excessively or
3.) spent hours doing tedious cardio
…All without much to show for it or when you finally do see results you either get burned out or you hit a plateau.
So, when you get to this point most people either keep pushing on doing the same thing for a few more days or weeks until they’re so frustrated that they quit or, they quit immediately when the going gets tough.
Anything else in your life like your family, job or chores around the house you would never treat the same way.
You would rethink your plan, restrategize and keep pushing on. Otherwise your job, your life and your relationships would fail.
Why is it okay to fail at weight loss and working out but not okay to fail at these other things?
After all your health is number one and without your health you wouldn’t have those other things.
So how do you break the chain? How do you reverse the cycle and keep pushing forward?
The truth is really simple and it comes down to a few minor components that make a major difference.
It comes down to healthy eating, proper hydration, consistent exercise, extra cardio when necessary and most importantly accountability.
This is exactly what each Little Black Dress coaching group discovered during their 5 week program.

Sara Crosswhite led these ladies to success through custom nutrition plans, daily at home workouts, weekly group meetings and text message check-ins.
What is unique about these women is that they’re not brand new to exercise which would make their results a little easier to accept.
Quite the contrary each of these ladies has exercised consistently for at least a year, they have had their ups and downs, they have gained weight and they have lost weight.
Under the guidance of Sara at their weekly meetings these ladies followed a simple structured meal plan, 10-15 minute at home workouts daily, body parts specific workouts to focus on their trouble areas and had accountability through frequent text messages from her to make sure they stayed on track.