Transformation Tuesday blog by bootcamper: Amy Haskedakes
I have always been an extremely insecure person that put on a great show,when I was really miserably uncomfortable.
For example, in the summer of 2014, I took my son, Ethan, five times to Adventure Island. I know exactly how many times, because I cried every single time.
I was so unhappy and I needed to do something.
I had tried diets, shots, pills, running, but nothing stuck or kept the weight off. So my friend Stephanie suggested I try her bootcamp.
My first night was brutal!
I mean you have to understand, I didn’t like to sweat (I sweat like a man), I didn’t do exercise (unless it involved a medal and beer at the end), and I had never done a push up in my life.
It was the worst and best night of my life!
Before I knew it, it was part of my normal schedule and I couldn’t wait to see what we were going to do next.
Looking back now, I think it was the fact that I was frustrated that I wasn’t able to do some of the things yet and the excitement I felt about the things I could.
I could tell you about how excited I was about the inches I have lost or the drop in body fat or the weight I can lift/squat, etc. But honestly, my biggest accomplishment has been centered around Ethan.
He gets excited to cheer me on and hear about the tires I can flip or the number of push ups I did in 60 seconds.
One of my favorite moments came when Ethan saw me and said ‘Wow Momma! I can really see all the work you have been doing at bootcamp.”
It isn’t just about what you see on the outside either.
I am now the one planning and taking him to things like the beach and canoeing and they are MY idea!!
I know that more than anything, I am teaching him to be healthier, be stronger (mentally and physically), and to accept and love yourself more.
For others like me, the advice I would give you is, reach out and do it.
I know you are busy, I know your job is stressful, I know you have a lot going on, but just start.
Don’t wait another day!
The sense of self confidence I am gaining is worth every moment of time I am putting in.
Reach out to the trainers and the other boot campers, they are like family. They pick you up when you need it, they push you when you can’t push yourself anymore, they listen, they let you cry, they laugh with you, they even cheer when you puke!
In exactly 12 months, I will be 40 (lordy, lordy) and I have three things I want to accomplish before then…
- I want my body fat to continue to drop,
- to set a new personal record squatting, and…
- to wear jean shorts to a country concert (what this really means is to be even more comfortable in my own skin).
I am so excited to continue this journey and to truly understand and believe in being #strongnotskinny!!