One question I’ve gotten a lot lately has been regarding nutritional supplements. As I started analyzing my answers and why I haven’t talked much about supplements lately, I realized why.
For the first 7 years of LiveFit I always recommended all our clients to a local nutrition store and said “they know EXACTLY what I recommend, and they know NOT to sell you anything extra that you don’t need!”
We sent such a massive client volume to this store that they knew they had to take care of them with the best service and only the products I recommended. It was an awesome relationship!
But after their 12th year in business they decided not to renew their lease and no longer wanted to compete against internet company’s discounting pricing.
This left us with no where to refer our clients for their products and left them to start buying from internet providers who rely on advertising to push particular products.
Frustrated by this, that’s why at the beginning of 2021 we decided to open the Supps & Swag Store at LiveFit where we’d ONLY carry the products I personally use and recommend…

Unfortunately we all have our insecurities and I never want my educational and entertaining emails to come off as a sleazy sales spam about products.
But after seeing so many people asking me what supplements I recommend lately it seems I’m doing both of us a huge disservice.
So with all that covered, I’m sorry and I will definitely be covering more topics related to supplements, how to use them, synergistic product combos, best values and more.
Today we’re going to start simple and layout my top 5 favorite supplements, and then I’ll break down each one in upcoming emails.
So you’d think when we opened I’d start posting and educating you on supplements on a regular basis! Wrong.
Unfortunately we all have our insecurities and I never want my educational and entertaining emails to come off as a sleazy sales spam about products.
But after seeing so many people asking me what supplements I recommend lately it seems I’m doing both of us a huge disservice.
So with all that covered, I’m sorry and I will definitely be covering more topics related to supplements, how to use them, synergistic product combos, best values and more.
Today we’re going to start simple and layout my top 5 favorite supplements, and then I’ll break down each one in upcoming emails.
Top 5 Favorite Supplements (my personal list)
1. Protein powder- my favorite is R1 Whey Isolate by Rule 1 and the flavors I like best are chocolate mint, fruity cereal and chocolate fudge. It’s the best alternative when healthy food is not available.
2. Nootropic- if you know me then you know I’m totally ADD. Player One is a mental focus product by Rule 1 with a slow release of caffeine that doesn’t cause any jitters or cracked out feeling. The skittles flavor is the BOMB!
3. Multi Vitamin or Fruits & Greens- I have been using GNC’s Mega Men multi vitamin off and on since I worked for them in 2003! It’s the best value multi vitamin on the market. I alternate taking a multi vitamin and a greens powder from either Rule 1, Alaninu or Bowmar Nutrition. All taste great.
4. Pre Workout Pump- I am extremely caffeine sensitive and most energy drinks or pre-workout powders have 200-350 mg of caffeine. I would die! So I like mixing Rule 1 Pump with Player One that I mentioned above. Another awesome option that’s only $10 is Equate Pre-Workout from Walmart. It’s actually the original formula of MetRx Amped from almost 20 years ago when I first started using it.
5. Branch Chain Amino Acids- this is a product that I do not use all the time but ALWAYS have on hand. Any brand and anything grape is my favorite. BCAAs help to eliminate soreness and increase workout endurance if used during training. I love being sore. It’s my favorite. Like almost as much as Christmas and sex. So unless I’m crippled from a workout or feeling burned out, I don’t use it. But when you’re dragging ass because your muscles are so sore, it’s the only thing that helps!
So there’s the top 5 favorite supplements, but I actually use a bunch of other things too like: B complex, zinc, probiotics, hyaluronic acid and a few other things off and on throught the years.
Let me know what else you’d like to learn about supplements and I’ll keep sharing my personal experiences and recommendations!
Committed to your fitness success,
Derek Kuryliw, your fitness Yoda 🙂