So I have always for the most part have done some type of exercise.
For years I worked out at a local gym, but my weight always fluctuated .. up then down… up and down.. then up. I just got bored doing the same cardio workouts day after day.
Michelle Medrano was my workout buddy (and still is today) . She told me that she was doing bootcamp now and she really liked it and thought I should try it!

My first day at bootcamp I was so nervous but excited! There was tires, sledge hammers and bats! Also……. some really fit clients!
I instantly said to myself, I want to be in shape like them!
I was hooked. But, I still went up and down on my weight and I felt flabby.
Ugh! How can this be? I run around the boot camp like a crazy person!
“Why is my weight and physique not changing?
Did I mention I am in my 50s and am going through the womanly stage which totally changed my metabolism?!”
When I got to Hudson this past November (yes I am a snowbird), I was at my heaviest weight.
It was time to change my life! I took a hard look at myself to find out what need to change!
That was scary.
But I knew that I had to first make myself a priority! I learned that from Micki and her videos!
I would prep food for my husband and dog because they have special nutritional needs, but I didn’t prep my own food? Why?!
So I started prepping food for me as well. I started keeping track of what I ate and drank. DRINKS!
Reality hit me in the face! No wonder I put so much weight on and felt flabby and sluggish!
It was time be honest with myself and to change my lifestyle and I have!
January’s transformation was on!

I was inspired and encouraged by so many clients who now have become my friends, that I felt I could not be stopped!
Jen Hall, Shelly Kuryliw, Usilia Emilione, never let me quit!
My trainers (shout out to coach Ashley) pushed me to my limits! The weight started to come off and muscles were starting to show!
I feel better physically now then I did in my 30s and 40s!

This is my new lifestyle! Not just a 30 day challenge!
Every day I come to bootcamp or personal training, I try and give it my all and I try to out run, out lift, and out last my younger bootcamp friends!
So look out, look over your shoulder, cause I am coming!