I was going to wait until the morning to send this to you but just in case you didn’t see this on Facebook yesterday, I wanted to make sure you knew what was going on at bootcamp this Monday. Labor day workout boot camp live fit

Anyone who has been a part of our bootcamp for a while knows that our holiday workouts are always packed and always EPIC!

This Monday at 9am will be no different. 4 trainers putting you through 40 minutes of 4 different style workouts. There will be modifications for all ability levels and injuries, you just have to show up!

Show up early to warm up and ensure you’re one of the first 80 people due to limited to space. This is a FREE event so you know it’ll be packed!

-instructed bootcamp from 9-9:40am (see the attached graphic)

-gym hours 8am-10:30am (written non instructed workout, except 9am)

-no 6am or afternoon bootcamp workouts

-at home workout will be provided for anyone who cannot attend (IT’s POSTED BELOW)

-first availability goes to current clients, a written workout will be posted to do on your own if you aren’t in the first 80 people

See you Monday!


Mountain Runners- Front foot does not touch the ground. Drive knee towards abdomen and exhale with force on each rep in a running tempo.

Mountain Runners- Front foot does not touch the ground. Drive knee towards abdomen and exhale with force on each rep in a running tempo.

Pushups- Go all the way to the ground everytime. Use your knees to decelerate your decent and to boost your accent back to the top. Exhale on your way up each rep.

Pushups- Go all the way to the ground everytime. Use your knees to decelerate your decent and to boost your accent back to the top. Exhale on your way up each rep.

LiveFit Labor Day at-home workout

This is a 20 set, heart pumping, lung stretching and ab sculpting routine that will take you around 20 minutes to complete.

Want an added push? Complete 20 sumo squat-jumps before each BOLDED round.

  1. 100 Jumping Jacks and 10 pushups
  2. 10 Mountain Runners and 1 situp
  3. 90 Jumping Jacks and 9 pushups
  4. 20 Mountain Runners and 2 situps
  5. 80 Jumping Jacks and 8 pushups
  6. 30 Mountain Runners and 3 situps
  7. 70 Jumping Jacks and 7 pushups
  8. 40 Mountain Runners and 4 situps
  9. 60 Jumping Jacks and 6 pushups
  10. 50 Mountain Runners and 5 situps
  11. 50 Jumping Jacks and 5 pushups
  12. 60 Mountain Runners and 6 situps
  13. 40 Jumping Jacks and 4 pushups
  14. 70 Mountain Runners and 7 situps
  15. 30 Jumping Jacks and 3 pushups 

    Situps- Cross your arms across your chest. Exhale out as you contract your abdomen and accelerate towards your knees.

    Situps- Cross your arms across your chest. Exhale out as you contract your abdomen and accelerate towards your knees.

  16. 80 Mountain Runners and 8 situps
  17. 20 Jumping Jacks and 2 pushups
  18. 90 Mountain Runners and 9 situps
  19. 10 Jumping Jacks and 1 pushups
  20. 100 Mountain Runners and 10 situps
Knees Up Modified Sit up- If you have back pain, use this modification for situps. Position your knees at a 90 degree angle and crunch your elbows towards your knees as you exhale each rep.

Knees Up Modified Sit up- If you have back pain, use this modification for situps. Position your knees at a 90 degree angle and crunch your elbows towards your knees as you exhale each rep.

Spideman Pushup- use this modification for added difficulty on your pushups. Bring one knee up and out towards your elbow as you lower yourself. As you push back up, exhale and bring your leg back to its starting position.

Spideman Pushup- use this modification for added difficulty on your pushups. Bring one knee up and out towards your elbow as you lower yourself. As you push back up, exhale and bring your leg back to its starting position.

happy labor day

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Click the picture to start your trial today in under 2 minutes…