Guest blog post by LiveFit boot camp client Marcie Berube
I’d like to take the opportunity to thank, again, the Livefit team.
Staying committed to my reputation of pure grace and coordination, I twisted my back 2 weeks ago.
No… Not at the mud run or deadlifting (that might actually make sense) but while getting out of bed at 2 am to pee.
Indeed. I avoided BC, rested during the 32 minutes each day that had no “life happens-still must do” task for me, eventually went to the doc and finally got “ok”.
I know I’m not the only one that, given just a FEW days, begins to hear the old tapes.
You know: “you can’t, you’ll be embarrassed if you try, you have to start all over- it’ll be too hard, bla bla bla blada bla.”
I’ve seen and heard many times OTHERS ask for modifications and the trainers ALL have said just tell us!!
But for ME to ask, admit pain and weakness (again) hum… I think the mud run slide was easier and we ALL know how I felt about that!!
Well, suck up that pride buttercup. Have no fear Livefit is here!!
Within 2 minutes of texting Derek Kuryliw (on vaca at the time by the way- oops) and Richard Berrian, Rich had replied with all the stretches needed to facilitate the healing process.
How COOL is that?!?!? Thank you!!
I’m nowhere near done so take a water break if needed. I think I’m recovered enough and get the gusto to come.
I am greeted with an immediate “I didn’t see you all last week, where’ve you been” and big smile from Jt Squillante.
I’m thinking…
1) crap…accountability!!!!
2) happy for the first time in days and
3) important enough to be missed.
Again, how COOL is that?!?!?
Then, struggling but determined I finish and think “Back is Ouch but it’s arms- STAY”.
Wrong choice chica. I lay flat to do a press and (trucker words) it’s not ok. Within seconds Sara Langevin Crosswhite is there and soooo incredibly supportive and understanding!!!
I hobbled quickly to the car. Dare I ever show my face again?????
An hour later, Sara follows up with a text to check on me. Again again, how COOL is that?!?!? Then reminds me to care of myself and ensures me she will notify Rich for the next time. And yep she did.
I had a constant guardian angel prepared to modify and guide despite some of my bull-headed attempts to try what I knew would suck. It did. But it’s NOT like I’m going to attempt random burpees at home to see if I can!!!!
Finally (I know-wheeeew) Derek sends his SECOND offer to check things out and help!!!!
Again times a-wow-lot, Thank you! Thank you All. Truly incredible.
So, whenever those voices creep in and the fear grows fangs…remember we have some really COOL Livefit Superheroes on our side.
Thank you!