Earlier in the week I wrote to you with a simple concept of starting your transformation with small bite-size steps.
Click here for Part 1 of 2 ==>> https://derekkuryliw.com/broken-tired-and-weak/
Stretching, moving and reducing.
Stretch your body, move your body and reduce sugar from your body.
If you are always feeling stiff and achy I want you to think about your muscles and joints as rubber bands.
If you left a rubber band outside for a week, without stretching it, moving it or flexing it… the strength and pliability of that rubber band would dissipate quickly.
Now imagine you try to stretch that rubber band, even if not at full capacity but just beyond where it has sat comfortably for the previous week.
What would happen? At first it might start to fray, then as you continue to add more resistance it will snap.
If you are someone who always feels stiff, achy, weak it’s because you are treating your muscles, tendons and ligaments like the rubber band out in the sun!
Early in the week I gave you a stretching routine to begin and now it is time to start hydrating your body properly.
Water is the single most essential element to help increase your health, energy and just about every bodily function.
You knew this already, so why do you fight it?
Sure soda, beer and coffee might taste better to you but I promise none of these three things will benefit your body as much as pure, clean water!
The easiest way I know to start increasing your water intake without spending your entire day in the bathroom is to set an alarm on your cell phone to drink 4 oz every hour, on the hour.
This simple step alone will help to increase your hydration by 60 oz or more each day, starting today!
If you need more reasons to increase your water intake, my head trainer Rich breaks it all down in this blog for you>>> https://derekkuryliw.com/the-single-best-supplement-for-your-muscles-brain-blood-and-lungs/
Step by step, day by day and month by month as you start to incorporate these simple actions into your routine, your body become more flexible and more energized.
You are laying the foundation for your transformation and on your way to a healthier mind and body.
Committed to your fitness success,
Derek Kuryliw, CSN, CPT
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