You have 2 chances to win 6 months of FREE Bootcamp!!!


Monday July 3rd we will have 2 raffles for 6 months of FREE bootcamp.

So, you have 2 ways to WIN! Here’s how…

Just enter your name, cell, email and who referred you in the box below.

1.) 1 entry for registering yourself (1 entry per person)

2.) 1 entry for EVERY person that lists you as “Referred by” (UNLIMITED entries)**

There is no limit to how many people can list you as “Referred by” and you’ll get 1 additional entry each time!

**You cannot fill out this form for a friend, you must email them this page for them to complete. Each computer has a unique IP address and only 1 registration per IP address will be counted.**

enter to win

After you enter your email address, you’ll be redirected to the VIP Access page with a free 14 day meal plan, healthy recipes and at home workouts. 

**If you aren’t automatically redirected email me and then add me [email protected] to your contact list!

Not sure if LiveFit Bootcamp is right for you??? 


Contest Details- No purchase necessary to win. Winner will be announced on Derek Kuryliw’s Facebook page on July 3rd 2017 by 11:59pm EST. All entries will be added to an email database, you will periodically receive health and fitness related tips from Derek via email until the winner is chosen. This list of names will be used to randomly select the winner on January 1st, if you unsubscribe from that email list before the winner is chosen you will cancel out your entry (your “referred by” entries will still qualify). Your contact information is of highest importance to us and we will never send you anything that will not help to better your health, life and fitness. If winner chosen is a current LiveFit Bootcamp client, the 6 free months will be added to the end of their current plan and future payments will be suspended until the end of the term.
