Guest blog by Transformation Tuesday fitness success story, Jon Diehl:
My motivation to get started…
What got me started on my journey was looking at a photo of myself this past Christmas, I could not believe how big I had become.
My uniforms for work would barely fit me.
My sister is getting married this memorial day weekend and I was asked to be in the wedding party, and the only thing I could picture was my Christmas photo, and not wanting to be the stereotypical bald, fat police officer.
The start of ‘something new’…
After many discussions with my wife about going to the gym, she showed me the LiveFit website, and said that she had co-workers who attended. I am not one for trying something new, but after reviewing the website I decided I would give a try.
January 2nd, I showed up and was immediately greeted by Derek, he introduced me to other members and had someone walk me through the first workout, it was great, I threw up but I made it, and it was fun!
My goal was to lose a few pounds to look better, and before I knew it I was setting and completing one goal after another.
I set out to better my annual fitness test for work, and was amazed at how much I improved. I took a fitness challenge offered by my job, last year I completed the 2.5 mile run with six obstacle stations in 31 minutes, this year after only 3 months at the gym, I completed the same run in 27 minutes.
I just recently participated in my first mud run, and my new goal is to complete the savage race in October.
My energy level has increased and I am overall a happier husband and father. I have also noticed my entire family taking an interest in being fit and it has made me proud (and I am not so nervous anymore about wearing slim fit pants, and suspenders for the wedding).
I am so thankful for all the help I have received from Derek, Rich, and Sara.
It was your help that brought me from an almost 42 pant size in January to a 34 now.
This journey is still in progress, but I am happy with the results I have seen so far.