Success. It’s what we’re all about.
It’s what drives us as humans. Very seldom does someone strive for average. At least, not if it’s something they really want.
So when you see someone you know or someone you can relate to achieve something you want, it makes you want it too!
That crossroads can take two different directions: 1) the person inspires you, 2) you continue to make excuses
Hopefully that person inspires you to start your own journey, push through the bad days, keep showing up when you’re sore, become your own success story and motivate the next person.
On the other hand you could be the person who does nothing but, I don’t think that is you.
The only thing that drives humans more than success is fear.
Fear of change, Fear of success, Fear of failure
The good news is that fear can also become your greatest motivator to help your fitness goals.
Chances are, what you are avoiding is what you should be doing. Taking the road less traveled.
The 3 ladies in the picture Catie, Dianna and Monique are amazing transformation stories in 2014 and their results have inspired many of their friends to start exercising and getting healthier too.
They also happen to be 3 pretty kick ass chicks that work busy jobs with crazy schedules and two of them are also moms.
Even though at the end of the day they are tired, stressed and still have work to do when they get home, they have made getting healthy a priority in their life. They block out their time and make it a priority to exercise, have fun and be around positive people. We don’t get enough of that as adults…this is their time to be big kids and have fun getting in shape!
They have taken the road less traveled and they are now enjoying the benefits of their hard work.
For an extra push in the month of December, all 3 worked with our FitBody private training program. At the end of the month, I wanted to see what they thought about the extra training in their training programs.
Me: Were you able to do things that you didn’t think you’d be able to do before?
Catie: Yes. I never thought I could ever squat over 100 pounds! Whenever I reached a goal I just wanted to keep going! How much can I lift? How many squats can I do? How many situps can I do without dying? It was great challenging myself and surpassing what I thought I could do!
Dianna: I feel that my legs are stronger and that I’m able to squat with more weight
that before.
Monique: I’ve always been a doer. I don’t usually doubt myself, I strive for it & usually complete it. But I did learn new & better techniques from training with Blum.
Me: Have you seen a change in either your strength or appearance?
Catie: Yes! I have seen a change in both strength and appearance. Just the other week we were doing weighted sumo squats and I started with 20 pounds and every round Sara increased the weight because it was too easy. I think we ended up using a 40 pound dumbbell!
A week before that I was getting ready for work and I just happened to catch a little glimpse in the mirror and I was like “Woah!” I didn’t even realize that was me. It’s embarrassing, but I took a picture! HAHHAHA! At that moment I felt really proud of myself and motivated to keep going!
Dianna: I’m starting to see my hip bone! I didn’t think that I would be able to see it ever again.
Monique: I probably would’ve seen more if I had more self control over the month of December. Damn cookie parties! But I have seen more definition in my shoulders, and I actually have a bicep on my LEFT arm. It’s catching up with the right. 🙂
What did you like about the group training environment?
Catie: I really liked the small group of the 3 of us. You get to know each others strengths and weaknesses. We encourage each other and motivate each other. It was nice to have someone train with you and call you out when you slack!
It is also great to train with people on the same level fitness wise. It can be very intimidating training with someone who is already in shape, so training with someone who is also trying to get into better shape made me feel a little more at ease.
Side note…
Sara was AWESOME! I am so happy I got paired with her! She is so understanding and encouraging. She knows how to push you without being intimidating. She is a wonderful inspiration for someone really trying to make a change in their lives!
Dianna: I feel that when I work in a group environment that I push myself harder. I try to keep up with the people that I’m training with.
Monique: I liked having others there to go through the challenges with and to share the grunts & pain with. If it was a tough PT it was nice to know it wasn’t just me having a hard time. Seeing others kick ass and squat or lift heavier makes you want to do the same. Fun times!
So, you can either use these ladies story to inspire you or remain the same.
One thing I know for sure is that these ladies are going to keep pushing harder, conquering new challenges and taking the road less traveled.
It’s what makes them badass.
It’s what drives them.
Committed to your fitness success,
Derek Kuryliw, Fitness & Nutrition Coach