Transformation Tuesday blog by bootcamper: Holly Morais

Actually writing these words down and sharing them with others has me so anxious and surprisingly excited right now!

I’ve always been the one with a smile on my face and an incredible amount of positivity and I pride myself on those things.

With that being said, I’ve disliked myself for a while now.

I was active all through my school years with cheerleading. I was always on the go with my singing and dancing groups. Once school ended my weight started to creep up slowly.

I met my husband in 2006 and had 3 beautiful boys. With each pregnancy I gained more and more weight.

After my last son I had met the 200lb mark and that’s when I started to look the other way at myself.

Me in the beginning, June 5th 2014

Me in the beginning, June 5th 2014

I ate my feelings and I let my maternity clothes way overstay their welcome.

My sister in law had asked me a few times to try Derek’s bootcamp and I always turned her down with one excuse or another.

Derek is family and I had it in my brain that bootcamp was way too hardcore for me. I couldn’t see myself running and lifting weights, never!

I was letting go of myself and it was really starting to affect my positivity, it was hard to keep a smile on my face.

My sister in law asked me again and I finally said yes. Best decision I’ve ever made for myself!

I won’t say it wasn’t difficult in the beginning because it was!! My first day was full of my least favorite thing…RUNNING! The most amazing thing happened though, I had fun!

Everyone was cheering each other on and happy! I knew this was a great decision, now it was time for me to start believing in myself. Pretty soon I was coming as often as I could! Holly flex friday personal training

I stopped wearing my baggy tshirts and bought the dreaded yoga pants. I got over my fear of failure and embraced my small successes!

I couldn’t do a sit and reach when I first started and now I love them.

I’m always letting the trainers put heavier weights in my hands because I know they believe in me.

I love getting weighed and measured, seeing those results makes me so proud of the work I put in.

I would love to do one of the fun 5k runs soon which is something I never would have said before bootcamp. My fitness goals are to keep losing fat and gaining muscle!

I’m so excited =)


Derek here…

Since her second week, Holly has been one of those gravitational people at bootcamp.

You just want to be around her because you know she’s going to work hard, you know she’s going to smile and you know she’s going to make it fun!

As Holly says, we’re family. Don’t ask me how, I’m not good with that stuff, we just are 🙂

So when family starts my program, I feel the pressure! Because you know family members are going to ask, “Is it working?”

Look at those freakin’ pictures…It’s working!!

She looks amazing.

I couldn’t be happier or more proud.

She is strong. She is fit. She is HAPPY!

That’s why we do this after all isn’t it?

It’s not always easy, but it’s always worth it.

You are one of those girls now. Someone is going to read this and it’s going to change their life.

That’s pretty bad ass.

Congratulations on your success so far Holly and I’m so excited to see what’s to come in 2015 for you.

Committed to your fitness success,

Derek Kuryliw

Holly transformation tuesday boot camp success weight loss story