Guest blog post by LiveFit head trainer Rich Berrian:
Hey bro, I heard drinking your protein through a straw allows your body to absorb it better!
Screaming in between each rep raises your testosterone and makes you lift more!
Don’t forget to hold your breath while stretching; you’ll greater increase your flexibility!
Tip toeing throughout the gym during your workout helps to release more growth hormone in the body for better gains!
……..really? -.-
Don’t be gullible to what everyone suggests… it could be the difference between your success and prancing around the gym looking like a fairy while holding your breath, sipping your protein cocktail through a straw, and screaming random outbursts while curling a broomstick!
1) “No pain, no gain!”
We have heard it all too often… I’m even guilty of saying it myself. Feeling “pain” (which is more than likely soreness) a day or two after your workout should be expected and is a symptom of DOMs… its normal. However, feeling pain DURING your workout is a no-no and is never okay. The issue lies in not being able to distinguish the difference between the two at times.
Here’s my blog that explains why your post workout soreness seems to get worse the next day and sometimes even two days later!!
2) Cardio is best to burn fat you say?
Wrong! Cardio burns more calories during whatever cardio you may be doing, but weight resistance will melt more body fat overall. A study found in The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research shows that subjects that completed an hour long strength training workout, on average, burned 100 more calories in the following 24 hours than those who didn’t lift at all. Who likes cardio anyway? Build muscle, burn fat!
Learn more in this blog (sorry about the gross butt picture)
3) “Lifting weight will make women bulky and look like a man!”
We hear it all the time from so many different people. This is completely false. Adding muscle size and mass requires testosterone; a hormone that females tend to not have a lot of. Men have 20-30 times the amount of testosterone that women have which is why we can add that size and start to look “bulky.” Women simply don’t have enough testosterone to “get big” even if they are gulping down protein shakes at every meal! So ladies, don’t be afraid of the weights! In fact, “strength training will help you lose weight faster and keep it off in the long run,” says Jeffrey Janot, PhD, an assistant professor of exercise physiology at South Dakota State University in Brookings.
Real life, real clients, real people and real results…check out these transformation stories and see what hard work and muscle looks like!
4) Crunches and sit-ups will reduce your belly fat and give you abs…
When you do crunches, sit-ups, leg raises, etc. you are working the abdominal muscles, yes. The bad news is that body fat lives between the skin and the muscle. So all the muscle you are building and sculpting is hidden under a blanket of fat. Unfortunately you can’t spot reduce, what I mean by that is that you can do as many abdominal exercises as you want to, but no matter what… that body fat will still be hiding the beautiful six pack that you have worked so hard for. You can’t tell your body to burn or get rid of fat in just a certain area by working that area out. In order to let those bad boys shine through you have to reduce your overall body fat. Cardio paired with weight resistance training and proper eating habits is what’s going to reduce your body fat percentage and allow you to rock that washboard stomach you already have that’s been hiding!
The old saying goes, “Abs are made in the kitchen”…check out
5) “Despite working out 3-5 days per week, the scale hasn’t moved. I must not be working out hard enough.”
Contrary to that statement, your workouts are probably fine. One thing that happens when you work out consistently is that your body burns fat, but people forget that it also builds muscle. So even though the scale may be moving very slowly or not at all… don’t give up, because you are more than likely still making progress. A way to gauge this is by having your body fat percentage tested at least once a month to track your progress. At that point, you’ll be able to see how much muscle you are gaining and how much fat you are dropping based on the results of the test. Another huge factor is your diet. If you aren’t eating properly to optimize your results then you can’t expect to see optimal results!
See why Derek says that throwing your scale might be the best step to your fitness success,
Not everything that everyone tells you is fact… be careful what you choose to believe. Do your research first, or ask someone that is knowledgeable in that area before implementing anything you are unsure of!
To demand the most of your body, you must know your body!
Richard Berrian
Personal Trainer