We all know how this time of year can be extremely busy, hectic and all around crazy! When you’re stressed, your body releases hormones that affect your mood. Did you know that consuming certain foods can actually help bring your stress levels down? Here is a list of 10 foods you can add to your meal plans.

This green veggie is high in folic acid, which can help stabilize your mood. Eating certain vitamins and minerals like folic acid and B vitamins can help keep your mood steady because they’re needed to make serotonin, which is a chemical that directly affects mood in a positive way.

Even though beef often gets a bad rap, it’s a great dinner option for a stressed-out family. Beef contains high levels of zinc, iron, and B vitamins, which are also known to help stabilize your mood. Look for a lean cut of meat if you’re concerned about fat content

Milk is high in antioxidants and vitamins B2 and B12, as well as protein and calcium.

Cottage Cheese and Fruit
Cottage cheese is high in protein and calcium. Try mixing the cottage cheese with a fruit that is high in vitamin C like oranges.  Vitamin C plays a role in fighting stress because it’s an antioxidant that fights the free radicals that get released when you’re stressed. These free radicals have been shown to cause cancer.

Are you ever looking for something you can really dig your teeth into when you’re stressed? Try crunching on almonds to get some aggression out. A good source of Vitamin B2 and E, as well as magnesium and zinc, almonds are high in fat, but most of the fat is unsaturated. Like vitamin C, vitamin E has been shown to fight the free radicals associated with stress, and in particular, those free radicals that cause heart disease.

Very rich in antioxidants, blueberries offer a high-fiber, low-calorie fruit option that is also rich in stress-fighting vitamin C.

A great lunch option, tuna is high in stress-fighting vitamins B6 and B12. Tuna is also a good low-fat protein source. Don’t load tuna down with fat by using a lot of mayonnaise or choice a light or olive oil alternative

Corn Flakes or Crispy Rice cereal
Although they aren’t low in sugar, cornflakes and crispy rice cereal are fortified with B vitamins and folic acid to help reduce stress. Have them for breakfast with milk, or try them dry as an afternoon snack.

Try adding these foods as complementary items to your current meals. It’s always easier to tweak than to overhaul your diet (aka your daily meals).

Try combining cottage cheese with blueberries for a power packed antioxidant punch.

Or get the crunching benefits of sliced almonds and cut asparagus with dinner.

One of my favorites that my mom always makes for Christmas is tuna patties.

For a healthier alternative mix your tuna, celery and onion with an egg whites and corn flakes or panko bread crumbs. Bake them for an even healthier alternative to pan frying. But honestly, there is nothing more delicious than pan frying them in olive oil….YUM!!

Did I mention, I don’t enjoy the taste of seafood or tuna? But mix it in with a few ingredients and it’s a whole new ballgame 🙂

I hope this list gives you a few ideas to help destress and kick up your holiday menus.

If you need more help please do not hesitate to email me [email protected] or text 727-810-4005 me your questions…

Committed to your fitness success,

Derek Kuryliw, CEO & Founder

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