Your goals don’t care about your problems!
Someone else is doing more with less.
Someone else is handling worse, but happier.
Someone else has less chances, but winning.
Get out of your own way.
Everyone experiences challenges…some worse than others, but never worse than everyone.
Nobody knows what each other is going through and what personal battles we are fighting.
The challenges you overcome become your superpowers that help you overcome the next thing and the next thing.
The challenges you overcome are what make you unique and why you can provide value to the world that no one else can.
The challenges you overcome will lead to new problems…
That’s a good thing. It means you’re growing. It means you’re evolving.
You’re building calluses for your future to be smarter, stronger and more resilient.
Don’t get in the way of the change.
Make change!
Committed to your fitness success
Derek Kuryliw