What is Your “WHY?” << 1 MINUTE, LISTEN UP!! ?
Why do you go to work? Why do you keep your word?
Why do you keep your integrity? Why do you want to get in shape? Why do you want to be a good spouse?
Once you can answer that “Why?”, then you are able to override all of your excuses!
And once you figure out that “Why?”, it’s what keeps you driven and pushing forward when times get tough or you lose motivation.
Your “Why?” is what’s going to keep you fighting when you feel like there isn’t any fight left.
Your “Why?” is what should stop you from hesitating to make changes in your life.
Your “Why?” is what should make you know which choices to make in life.
Is it because you want to make your self proud?
Is it because you want to have more confidence?
Is it because you want to set a good example for your kids?
Is it because you want to experience more things in life?
Is it because you want to have the confidence and energy to do whatever you want?
Whatever that reason is you need to repeat it, live it, breathe it, own it and remember that every single time the going gets tough!
So take 5 minutes today to think on this, journal on this, meditate on this, pray on this or whatever it is you need to do to figure out your “Why?”
Everything in your life will become much easier when you do!
Committed to your fitness success,