Guest blog post by Transformation Tuesday success story Alison Gage…

Ok so here it goes:)

So they say just show up! That hasn’t always been easy for me and many days it still isn’t. Over the last 16 years I put my son first. That’s what moms are supposed to do right??!!

I always wanted to be around so I wouldn’t miss anything. It wasn’t until I started going to boot camp that I realized I am better to be around because I take care of myself. I am stronger now in so many ways.

For me it began when my friend Lisa (last week’s Transformation Tuesday) text me to tell me about a teacher special for 30 days…she said it’s 30 minutes and we figured we can anything for 30 minutes.

I have belonged to gyms before but never last because I get lost with the what to do, how long, how many reps…and no accountability.

So I signed up. We went for the entire 30 days, 3-4 days each week and even Saturday mornings. I remember thinking to myself that I actually enjoy this! new port richey boot camp success fat burn lose fat work out

Oh and measurements:)

I was afraid to put a number to them but now embrace them and look forward to changes. I feel better, my clothes fit better and I have even managed to go down a pant size.

As an elementary school P.E. teacher, I know I am better at my job physically. I even bring ideas from boot camp and use them on my students. It feels great knowing that I am setting a good example for my family and my students.

The biggest challenge that I have always had with working out is just going.

Having someone to go with makes a HUGE difference. Lisa motivates me to go when I can’t motivate myself. The car ride home is always especially fun as we recap the struggles and triumphs! I am stronger because of her!

Lisa and I critique ourselves in the car, amazed by how much stronger we are, things that we can do now that we couldn’t do 9 months ago and of course crack up at the struggle.

I recently talked her in to doing our first 4 Hour Muscle Retreat at LiveFit…4 hours of legs! We did it! We surprised ourselves and did amazing! We even secretly talk about doing another one:)

**30 Day Transformation Special >>>>

Besides just showing up, my advice is to show up with someone who wants what you want, is willing to say let’s just GO, and expects the same from you when they want to skip it.

The unexpected surprise is the trainers!

I appreciate them all for their different styles and personalities. They are everything from gentle, in your face, pushing you through, correcting your form, helping you lift one more, knowing and believing that you can.

ALL supportive and nothing but love!

Transformation Tuesday new port richey boot camp success

Start your own transformation in the next 30 days for only $30!


^^Click the picture for schedule, information and online registration^^

^^Click the picture for schedule, information and online registration^^



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