We call them man’s best friend because that’s what they are, you are most unconditional loving friend. Whether you have had a good day, bad day, mad at the world or love everyone… Your best friend will still be waiting there when you get home with happy, loving tail wags. spca dog cat adoption rescue fitness boot camp

Just like humans, animals all come with their own flaws.

(X) I hate loud noises and get very uncomfortable in large crowds… So do some dogs!

(X) I know plenty of people who just love to talk and hear themselves talk… So do some dogs!

(X) I know some people who are very shy when meeting new people… So do some dogs!

(X) We have all had our share of bad relationships and breakups in our lives… so have these dogs!

(X) Everyone deserves a second chance at happiness, love and companionship… So do you!

Together with my wife and our Live Fit team, we have teamed up with our local SPCA to help make a difference in our community. This local organization gives dogs and cats of all ages, breeds, sizes and personalities a second chance had a great life whether it is in your home or our neighbor’s home.

SPCA dog cat rescue boot camp exercise

When most people think of the SPCA that just think about adopting or rescuing an animal. But there is so much more that goes on in the day-to-day effort of this local organization.

There are some dogs that have been there for over a year without being adopted.

There are some dogs that have what others would call a “different” personality.

There are some dogs that require serious medical attention because they were either hit by a car or abandoned on the streets before being saved and rehabilitated by the SPCA.

SPCA dog cat rescue boot camp tshirtSPCA dog cat rescue bootcamp exercise

These special people who all make this possible have the most loving hearts to help these animals get a new start. But without people like me and you, all of these amazing rescues and success stories would never be possible. They are in need of funding and supplies every single day!


If you are a regular reader of my blog I am going to assume that you are not only a kick-ass person but also caring and compassionate to help this local organization and asking yourself “What can I do to help?”

The good news is that there are several ways you can help!

#1) New LiveFit wristbands 

These are available for a minimum $1 donation and every single penny will be donated to the SPCA directly.


#2) Donate any of the items listed above in the “Wish List”

These are the every day items they need to continue the best care possible

#3) Purchase an SPCA t-shirt

These are the same t-shirts that Shelly and I are wearing in the pictures. They are available at the SPCA for a minimum $15 donation.


#4) Make a cash donation

Who doesn’t like cash? Show up and person and see directly who and what you are contributing towards. The people are as friendly as the animals 🙂

#5) Adopt!

Nothing brings warmth and love to your heart than that excited tail wagging as you walk through the front door each day. The unconditional love these little guys have to offer might be just what you need in your life!

Thank you for taking a few minutes out of your day to read and your consideration to helping this great cause. If you have never been to the SPCA it is definitely worth a visit. Each animal has their own unique story and personality and you can feel their excitement when they see you! spca animal rescue fitness boot camp

Committed to your fitness success and a better community,

Derek & Michelle Kuryliw