*The Flab2Abs in 35 days program was emailed to all active bootcamp clients Saturday morning. If you did not receive the complete program or need more info, please text me anytime 727-810-4005
There’s nothing that looks better or feels better than having a flat stomach.
Think about it… When someone tells you they have been working out where is the first place that your eyes travel?
Most likely it straight to their mid section.
If you told somebody you were working out, would you be confident with where their eyes traveled?
If not, then this is for you!
Flab to Abs in 35 days is an all new, all inclusive program for all LiveFit clients to tighten up their mid section, strengthen their core and gain confidence in their appearance.
By the way did I mention that this will end right on time for beach season, Spring Break vacations and a summer of less clothing?
We’ve put everything together for you so you have no choice but to succeed. The only way you can fail is if you do not try.
1.) Daily Meal Plan-
A simple to follow, day by day meal plan with unlimited selections of your favorite foods.
By following simple guidelines and altering your carbohydrate intake each day over a seven day period will keep your body guessing, your metabolism roaring and your waist shrinking.
2.) Daily Cardio Plan-
A quick and easy daily cardio plan designed to jumpstart your body into fat burning mode, no matter how stagnant your metabolism may be.
These are quick 10-15 minute workouts. We are talking minutes daily, not hours!
3.) Ab Sculpting & Fat Burning Workouts-
Progressively challenging daily ab workouts that you can do at home, at the gym or on the road. There really is no excuses. No equipment will be needed. The only thing you’ll need will be the abs hidden under that layer of stubborn fat.
When it comes to getting a flat midsection, you can get these workouts done anywhere.
4.) Shred the Fluff-
7 day peak week outline to ensure you burn that last little bit of fat that is hanging on to your midsection and love handles in the final week of this program.
The final week of this program is crucial to burning and stripping away that final bit of unwanted body fat to uncover a beautifully developed mid section that you can be proud of!
5.) FREE 1 Hour Workout-
1 hour AB burning, fat scorching workout instructed by Derek on Saturday April 1st at 9:00 a.m. immediately after Saturday morning boot camp.
When does it start?
The Flab to Abs in 35 days program kicks off Monday March 6th and ends April 10th.
On Thursdays March 9th and April 6th at 7:40pm we will host our instructional nutrition workshops designed to help you fully understand how to grocery shop, meal plan and eat properly WITHOUT strict dieting.
*New clients will have their initial measurements Tuesday March 7th (6-6:30am or 8-9am or 6-7pm)
How do I get started?
The good news is if you are already one of my clients, you are included into this program absolutely free, as in no charge, as in this will be delivered to your inbox Saturday (March 4th) whether you like it or not!
If you are not one of my clients or have been a past client of mine, it is very simple to get started…
Option #1-
Try your first two weeks of unlimited bootcamp workouts for only $1 and you’ll get the Flab to Abs in 35 days program included at no additional charge.
If you continue at the end of two weeks, your registration will renew at $35 per week and you can cancel anytime and still have unlimited access to the program. ($106 total- 5 weeks)
**Add a spouse or family member for just $15 additional weekly!
Option #2-
Get the entire five week program for only $88, plus as a special bonus if you decide to continue after the 5 weeks your registration will continue at a reduced rate of only $30 weekly. (This saves you over $520 per year off our standard rates)
In addition to the Flab to Abs in 35 days program, your registration also includes…
UNLIMITED weekly bootcamp workouts
Specially designed daily warm-ups to properly prepare you for each workout
FREE Friend Friday- bring a friend to bootcamp free every week
Comprehensive meal plan with food swaps and desserts
At home workouts and stretching routines in case you miss a workout or want to push yourself extra
Monthly live nutrition seminar and Q&A with Derek (3/9 and 4/6 @ 7:40pm)
FREE entry into all our challenges throughout the year
Option #1-
Try your first two weeks of unlimited bootcamp workouts for only $1 and you’ll get the Flab to Abs in 35 days program included at no additional charge.
If you continue at the end of two weeks, your registration will renew at $35 per week and you can cancel anytime and still have unlimited access to the program. ($106 total- 5 weeks)
**Add a spouse or family member for just $15 additional weekly!
Option #2-
Get the entire five week program for only $88, plus as a special bonus if you decide to continue after the 5 weeks your registration will continue at a reduced rate of only $30 weekly. (This saves you over $250 per year off our standard rates)
Still have questions? 

The Flab to Abs in 35 days program is set to kick off Monday and if you’re one of my active clients you’ll have the complete program delivered to your inbox Saturday morning.
You will learn-
1.) How to effectively use a rotational carb meal plan to kick your metabolism in the ass and become a fat burning furnace allowing you to eat MORE food, not less! These are the similar techniques used by our contest competitors and Little Black Dress coaching ladies to achieve their best shape ever.
2.) Strategies on how to properly snack to avoid getting hungry and sacrificing results for immediate gratification. Instead I’ll teach you how to do both! You’ll be eating all day long with NO REGRETS.
(This keeps getting better right? I know, I created it! Keep reading)
3.) You’ll gain confidence in your food choices on the weekends by choosing to either eat carbs with every meal or save your carbs for a giant cheat meal…on BOTH Saturday and Sunday.
Every week, without feeling guilty, you’ll get to indulge in your favorite foods while still continuing to burn fat, flatten your stomach and taking your waistline to it’s smallest in years.
I had a few questions about the program that I wanted to answer here…
Q- What if I will be out of town for a portion of the program?
A- No sweat (well actually a lot of sweat) but, you can do these workouts and follow this program no matter where you travel. Since we’ll be eating real every-day foods, you can take this program anywhere.
Q- What if I do not live local?
A- Basically the same answer. Friends, family members, former clients and blog followers from all around the world will be doing this program together! Just sign-up for the 35 day plan under Option #2 here https://derekkuryliw.com/flab-to-abs/ and the program will be emailed to them Saturday as well!
Q- What if I have food allergies?
A- That’s the best part and the beauty of this program. YOU will choose foods YOU like and can eat. No foo foo arugula salads or organic tree bark recipes will be found in this program.
I hope you are as eager and excited to kick this program off as I am. I know for sure that I’m a bit “FLUFFIER” than I would like to be when the weather warms up and bathing suits start coming out.
Everything you need to make your goals a reality is included in this plan and I’m here to help you every step of the way!
If you are not one of my clients or have been a past client of mine, it is very simple to get started…
Option #1-
Try your first two weeks of unlimited bootcamp workouts for only $1 and you’ll get the Flab to Abs in 35 days program included at no additional charge.
If you continue at the end of two weeks, your registration will renew at $35 per week and you can cancel anytime and still have unlimited access to the program. ($106 total- 5 weeks)
**Add a spouse or family member for just $15 additional weekly!
Option #2-
Get the entire five week program for only $88, plus as a special bonus if you decide to continue after the 5 weeks your registration will continue at a reduced rate of only $30 weekly. (This saves you over $250 per year off our standard rates)