Do you have pets? I do!

In fact we have 3 dogs and a cat (named Lady Gaga, yes I said it!).

One thing that constantly amazes me is how people complain how old and how stiff they feel. I also continuously hear about how little energy people have.

What is the first thing your pet does EVERY SINGLE MORNING before they get up, before they go to the bathroom and DEFINITELY before their first cup of coffee? *it is not recommended to give your pets coffee 🙂


If our pets are smart enough to remember this simple task, why aren’t you?

Do you remember to stretch? Or do you hate to?

Here are a few stretches to get your back and core stretched and warmed up in no time!

Remember to start off gently first and never stretch to the point of pain.

Hold each stretch listed for 15-30 seconds, repeating two or three times, depending on how you feel.

Triangle Pose
Stand tall with back straight, feet wider than the hips, and arms in line with the shoulders (like a “T”), palms down. Turn your right toes out to the side and point your left toes forward. Lean to the right as if reaching your right fingertips toward the right wall. From there, bend at the side of the waist, allowing your right hand to fall naturally, resting on your knee, shin, ankle or the floor. Breathe deeply and hold. Repeat on opposite side.


Torso Twist
Sit on the floor, back straight, shoulders down, abs engaged, and legs extended in front of you. Bend your right knee to place foot flat on the floor. Wrap your left arm around your right leg and twist to your right side, supporting yourself by placing your right hand behind you. Breathe deeply and hold. Repeat on opposite side.



Child’s Pose
Come to hands and knees with your hands shoulder-width apart, knees hip-width apart, abs engaged, and back flat (spine neutral). Keep your knees and ankles separated and your toes curled under as you shift your weight back over your heels, lengthening your spine, relaxing your head and neck, and reaching forward through your fingertips. Breathe deeply and hold.

Here is a great general total body stretching routine you can follow to really start to see a benefit in mobility, flexibility and energy…plus, you’ll recover much quicker from exercise by stretching afterwards.

stretching to reduce soreness

Remember to hold each pose for 15-20 seconds each, and repeat 2-3 times and never keep stretching to the point of pain.

So next time you feel stiff, achy, old, sore or tired…DON’T FORGET TO STRETCH!!

Committed to your fitness success,

Derek Kuryliw, Fitness & Nutrition Coach
…for questions or comments [email protected]

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