Today, right now in this moment is the best and easiest time to make any changes in your life.
No matter if it’s exercising, eating healthier, having a tough conversation with a spouse or co-worker, asking for a promotion, asking for a date or anything else you want to accomplish… NOW is the easiest time to do it.
The longer you wait, the more FEAR starts to settle in your brain.
F– false
E– events
A– appearing
R– real
You see the fear we create in our mind is just BS that has been programmed into your thinking process. The anxiety we feel before making a decision or action is never as bad as when you actually make a decision.
Because once you make a decision the anxiety is over. Now you can focus on course correcting the results of your decision.
As we know there is a response for every action, but what you might not realize is that there’s a greater response for every inaction.
When we wait and wait and wait…. then analyze and debate over and over and over again all you are doing is creating new problems in your head that do not exist yet.
You are wasting away time, attention and energy.
(^^ 3 things you can’t get back! ^^)
Is it possible some of your fears might become reality? Of course.
So instead of dwelling beforehand save your time, attention and energy to actually fight the battles as they arrive.
Otherwise all you’re doing is putting out fake fires in your head, and that’s what I call CRAZY!
Over the last 5 weeks or so I’ve started using an application and interview process before bringing on new clients for coaching, training or bootcamp.
I’ve really liked it because it has really helped me get to know my new clients so much better to understand their goals, what motivates them and what struggles to anticipate when working together.
But what blows my mind is how many people complete the 7 question application and then never show up to their appointment or answer the phone when I call!
Instead I’ll receive a text that says…
“I don’t have the time.” Even though we’ve never discussed a schedule or know that we have workouts from 5:30am until 7:30pm most days.
“I can’t afford it.” Even thought we’ve never discussed a program or price and sitting down to share my 15 years of experience, tips and strategies is $0.
“I can’t do the exercises.” Even though they don’t know what we do or that we modify every workout for ages 8-80 and any type of injury or ability level.
“The program isn’t right for me.” Even though they don’t know what we have to offer from online coaching to private training to large group training.
All that is happening is they are letting False Events Appear Real because they are delaying taking action.
The first step, the first day, the first try is always the hardest and scariest.
So get it over with QUICK and before you can overthink it!
Just like pulling a band aid, go fast and don’t hesitate.
Because you’re probably in the current situation you’re in because of this same voice guiding you in the wrong direction in the past.
You’re letting that voice win and guess what? You’re proving it right.
Stop overthinking things. Start making decisions faster. Start doing.
Nothing happens until you start doing.
So go. Do. Win!
Committed to your fitness success,
Derek Kuryliw, your fitness Yoda