Consistency is the secret and the key to success at just about anything that you do in life.
It’s why I write to you every single day, because any day could be the one day that you needed to hear the exact message I’m sending you.
(I feel like that was a VERY confusing sentence, but you get it right?)
And if I’m not consistent and don’t bring you value, build your confidence and hold you accountable then I become like everyone else that says “I’m always here when you need me”, but isn’t there when you need them.
I have been sitting down daily with prospective new clients for our upcoming 28 Day LiveFit Challenge. Since we are only adding 20 new clients for this challenge I have been personally interviewing each person to make sure they’re a perfect fit for the program.
Plus, we’ve had the awesome opportunity to “co-watch” my 4 year old nephew for the past 10 days. So my days have included lots of baseball, soccer, Power Rangers, walks at Starkey and a trip to the cool Glazer Children’s Museum.
Needless to say my usual morning and afternoon routines have been thrown off a bit.
So this got me thinking about YOU!
When your life gets busy or schedules change, what are the things that you neglect or forget?
Is it your workouts?
Is it prepping healthier meals?
Is it sleep?
Because once we figure that out, then we can work together to build safety nets into your life and routines to never get off track for more than 1 day.
We can all miss a day here and there without suffering too much of a noticeable consequence, but it’s when those days start to snowball together that we lose control.
Days become weeks, and weeks become months, and months become years!
Getting back on track immediately is the only secret to success.
Momentum is just a powerful negatively as it can be positively. All you need is one move in the right direction to turn things all around.
The reason the subject line of this email said “Last Chance” is because…
1.) My current clients have 1 last chance this week to get on track before the October 8th kick off to the 28 Day LiveFit Challenge
2.) I’m looking for anyone looking to loose weight, build confidence, increase strength. I’ll be working with you ever step of the way with support and accountability meetings each week. But I’m down to the final few spots.
Apply here (only 7 spots left)==>
It’s time to identify what’s holding you back and finally conquer everything in your way so that YOU can be happier and healthier. You deserve it!
Committed to your fitness success,
Derek Kuryliw, your fitness Yoda 🙂