You know who you are and you know what you are doing! Stop making excuses.
Seriously I cannot stress this enough. You are holding yourself back. Not your neighbor, not your coworker, not a family member…
You and only you are responsible for your success or failure!
Why do I come to you with so much energy today?
Because each day I receive over 100 text messages and a couple dozen Facebook Messenger questions asking how to get in better shape, lockdown a healthy diet or a variety of other questions.
But as soon as I answer the person and give them an excellent opportunity to be successful, the follow-up is always an excuse of why they can or cannot do what I’m asking.
This is called an Askhole!
Askhole (noun)- A person who always asks questions but never has any intention of applying the information
Don’t be this person. You’ve been wanting to get in better shape this entire year and it hasn’t happened.
I am giving you the perfect opportunity, the exact steps and all of the accountability that you could possibly need over the next 6 weeks to be successful.
So why haven’t you signed up yet? I have even bribed you with over $3,000 of kickass prizes.
It comes down to this… Do you want it or not?
Do you wish to believe your excuses more than you desire your goals?
If so, keep struggling.
But if you are ready to make a difference, now is the time…
It will still be a struggle. Anything that’s worth getting will not be easy. Anything easy to get, is not worth getting.
But each and every day you will be able to reap the rewards of the effort and commitment you have put in to FINALLY see the body you desire and have the energy you crave
Committed to your fitness success,
Derek Kuryliw, your fitness Yoda 🙂
PS… is there anything else you need? please let me know, I am here to help.
Have a question for me? I’d love to hear from you. Please fill out the form below and I’ll reply back as quickly as possible!