Did you say time management? Ugh…
If this was your first reaction when seeing my headline then chances are this post is PERFECT for you!
The top Olympic athletes training for the summer Olympics has exactly 24 hours each day to master their craft.
The most successful person you know has exactly 1,440 minutes each day to get work done.
The president of the United States of America has exactly 168 hours each week to lead the free world.
The entire world around you has exactly 10,080 minutes each week to achieve the life of their dreams.
YOU also have exactly 24 hours and 1,440 minutes each day as well as exactly 168 hours and 10,080 minutes each week to Get.Shit.Done.
We are all busy but we are not always productive.
Does this sound like you?
We live in an age of fast pace information, social media, kids, work, family, drama, dieting, working out, On-demand TV and SO many other distractions that pull us away from our ultimate potential.
So how do some people seem to get so much more done each week while others are over-stressed and under-productive?
The answer is Planning and Structure.
I would like to think of myself as a master of these two areas but, the truth is no matter how good you are anything in life if you do not continue to work at it your skills will diminish.
It’s easy to fall back into bad habits!
Each and everyday I work hard to master these two areas.
By using the five steps below I am able to get more done each day and have less stress…
1.) Write down EVERYTHING
- This is a BRAIN DUMP to empty all the ideas, anxiety and stress from your brain
- Work, personal, goals, upcoming projects, things to remember, etc…
- The more you write now, the less you’ll stress later
- Make category headings for each “department” in your life
- Fill in each department with the items from Step #1
- THROW AWAY the list from Step #1 after completing this step
- After throwing away the list you will feel your initial relief of anxiety because you have just completed something. You got something DONE!
3.) Prioritize your MOST IMPORTANT tasks
- On a separate sheet of paper, write down the Top 5 most important items to get done first the next day
- List specific time frames and deadlines to finish these Top 5 items
4.) Sleep in peace, Wake up earlier and Conquer the Day
- The next morning when you wake up, make your coffee and attack your Top 5 list
5.) Work your list IN ORDER and NO DISTRACTIONS
- No Facebook, cell phone, TV or anything else to distract you to start your day
- Work your list until the designated time you allotted is completed
- Re-write your list with a new Top 5 priority level for the next 4 hours of your day
- Repeat this step a minimum of twice each day
By utilizing these steps above, your GOALS will not become your #1 top of mind objective ALL DAY and EVERYDAY!
You’ll create and conquer your perfect day.
You’ll have a masterplan to guide you, keep you on task and accountable.
You’ll have your own “Report Card” each night from your “Departments” list to see how much you got done that day and how well you stayed on track.
The key is working on your Planning and Structure every single day.
It will be easy in a few days to fall back into your old ways which is why it is so important to establish your goals and write, re-write and re-write some them more each and every day until kicking ass at life becomes routine.
You cannot buy back time. It’s our most precious resource. Maximize every minute of your life so that you can enjoy more personal time, family time and time spent doing what makes you happy!
If it’s important enough to you, you’ll get this done. You can thank me later 🙂
Committed to your fitness success,
Derek Kuryliw
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