One of the biggest hold-ups I hear on a daily basis revolves around injuries and limitations to some of the most common exercises that we do regularly at bootcamp: Squats, Push-ups, Crunches, Lunges

The key to long-term success is practicing safe injury prevention for shoulders, knees and low backs to keep your fitness progressing forward despite any setbacks!

Watch Now ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Plus the greatest benefit to learning proper form and modifications is that you’ll actually start to build up strength while reducing pain.

Don’t believe that?

What do you do at Physical Therapy?

You complete exercises with perfect form, through full range of motion while gradually and continually adding resistance.

^^Sounds like a workout to me!

Don’t let ego or lack of knowledge cause you more pain.

Learn proper form to safely start regaining your strength, mobility and freedom from your injuries.

So don’t put it off, watch this video or save it to your “Watch Later” folder on YouTube


Committed to your fitness success,

Derek Kuryliw, your fitness Yoda 🙂