I feel that our job is to simplify things down for you, dilute them to their simplest form, and provide you with the tools to be successful in your weight loss and body transformation journey.

You see, most times when I meet someone who has previously struggled with losing weight or sticking to a “diet” it’s because they have created WAY too much deprivation.

What you need to understand about your body and your metabolism is that it needs FUEL to FUNCTION.

If you continuously starve yourself while attempting to lose weight you might burn off a few pounds but, within a week or so your body will switch over to “SURVIVAL MODE”.

This means it is no longer burning food to provide energy, instead your body is choosing to store your food to protect itself from potentially starving.

So how do you lose weight consistently, boost your energy and burn more fat?

The answer is to treat your metabolism like a fire. Since in essence, that is EXACTLY what it is.

The definition of metabolism is the rate in which your body breaks down food, to create energy, in order to sustain life.

So how do you start a fire?

Check out my new Podcast ==> https://anchor.fm/livefitradio (4 min 51 sec)

…or watch the video below for answers!