This week marks a mini milestone for not only our bootcamp but for the amazing people that walk through those big bay doors every week. 2 years ago we moved into our new warehouse gym, expanding from a backyard boot camp into a space with endless possibilities.

February 4th, 2014

February 4th, 2014

To the onlooker it may seem like this was an overnight success but, what people rarely see is the hard work, dedication, personal sacrifices and obstacles that has been overcome to get to this point.

After sitting back and taking some time to reflect, analyze and pinpoint a few specific life lessons that have been taught to me I decided I wanted to share these important lessons with you.

As I started writing these lessons down it became quickly obvious that these tips that I’m going to share with you have also spilled into my personal life leading to quicker success, a happier life and greater relationships.

1.) Treat People How YOU Want to be Treated

This seems like a simple and obvious tip but, how often do you see it play out in real life? The answer is not often enough.

After working for years in gyms and seeing how people would be ignored, mistreated or prejudged by the way they looked, dressed and the shape they were in I knew that our place needed to be different. After spending the 7 years prior to starting our bootcamp managing our family’s chiropractic clinic, my wife and I had a firm understanding that the people in your business always come first.

We wanted to make a place that anyone no matter what age, shape, size, condition, experience, race, creed and beliefs could all meet together for one united purpose… To live a better life. Not just get a great workout but truly, a better life!

This is led to the most friendly, welcoming and supportive environment of any fitness program or facility I have ever seen.

Our clients greet each other with sweaty hugs and high fives. Our advanced clients are always there reaching out a hand to our new clients, knowing they have walked the path before them and the struggles they personally encountered themselves.

It’s a true Pay It Forward atmosphere. You can see it, you can feel it and you can experience it within seconds of walking into our building.

2.) Value Relationships

Because of the atmosphere we have created, I have developed some of the most amazing relationships over the past 5 years of boot camp and more specifically the last two years since we moved into our new facility. These people are not fitness rockstars, fitness models or even had much fitness experience before beginning with us. Motivation Monday momma jean

People like Mama Jean who always looks to build someone up when they are down, tell someone how much she appreciates them and pushes herself regularly passed limits she didn’t even know were possible of pushing past. Even through injuries and illnesses, you would never see someone push themselves outside of their comfort zone more than MJ.

Ben and Barb MarshallThen there are people like Ben Marshall. When I got the email from Ben’s family that they wanted to buy him a one-month boot camp membership for the new year 2 years ago, man did I feel the pressure! I’ve known Ben since I was in high school and I have always looked up to him as someone who lives the right way. He will give you the shirt off his back if someone needs it. He will tell you when you are doing something well and he is also not afraid to tell you when he thinks something could be done differently. I don’t know for certain but I am pretty sure Ben had not exercised at a gym and definitely not a boot camp for his entire adult life. He took himself way past his comfort zone in those first few months of boot camp but, he took everything in stride and has never look back. Now, he is one of the first smiling faces you will see each night along with his beautiful wife who has now joined him on this journey. Leslie transformation tuesday weight loss success story

Then there’s Leslie Raskovich with a smile that lights up a room and can instantly change your day. Though I know it can’t be true, you would never know that Leslie has ever had a bad day in her life. There’s not many people you will meet in this life that have the way of changing the mood of a room. Similar to Ben and MJ, working out, dieting and the crazy stuff we do was all new to Leslie. But, you would never know it. Within a few weeks of being the scared one herself, Leslie is one of the first people that will come up to greet you, take you by the hand and take you under her wing to make you feel welcomed and confident you are in the right place. Is Leslie a fitness Rockstar? Hell no! She is a hard working mom just like so many others but the thing that separates her from everyone else is her attitude. And, it’s freaking contagious!

Lynne Transformation Tuesday New Port Richey BootcampsWhen we moved to this building there was another shining inspirational star that had been a part of our boot camp for 2 years already. Her name was Lynne and she was the self imposed Team Mom of boot camp. If you had a birthday or a milestone event, she knew about it and you can bet she was baking you something delicious to celebrate. If you mentioned the day before that you couldn’t find a pen, a muffin tin, or (____ insert anything else), she was there waiting for you the next night with a lifetime supply of ______ from Sams Club. Not because anyone asked her to but because she loved to love and give back to others. Our fitness family has since lost this beautiful angel, who continues to look over us every day and night, to a battle with cervical cancer last year. She will never be forgotten!

Lynne fundraiser

3.) Know When to Let Go

This is the absolute hardest lesson to learn in life, business and relationships. There comes a time when you need to just let go.

To truly be happy and successful you need to eliminate the noise and excess baggage from your life. Don’t get caught up in the drama and giving into the energy suckers in your life. Learn when to let go of anger. Learn when to let go of resentment, jealousy and insecurities. Learn when to let go of grudges and animosity.

Learning to let go also implies to bad relationships in your life. I have learned that no matter how much you help some people, they just want to take more and more from you without adding value back to the lives around them. They expect instead of appreciate. These are also the people that take up the majority of your head space and distract you from moving forward in your own personal life because they are continually trying to drag you down with them. Know When to Let Go!

Then there are other people that you help, that pay it forward and go the extra mile to use the advantages you have given them. Those people you want to keep in your life and continue to invest your time and energy in.

4.) Create Faster Than They Can Copy

This tip applies to more than just owning a business but is also essential for anyone who is an employee as well. The first person to step outside the box and venture into uncharted territory will often be the most successful. While there will be others that try to copy or imitate, the foundation created by the first person will always be stronger.

Why? Because they’re more emotionally and physically committed. When an idea goes from something in your head to reality, the vision of that path is in your head. While others might try to do what they see on the surface, they will never know all the details, struggles and lessons that have gotten you to that point.

When we started our bootcamp 5 years ago there were no other bootcamp facilities. I had heard of a few trainers that would meet clients at local parks and fields for a “boot camp style” work out but there were no complete bootcamp programs. Now you will find a boot camp on just about every corner and definitely in every gym.

The truth is, we aren’t just a boot camp workout.

We are the most complete and in-depth program to help you change your life, better your health and increase your happiness. We offer free transformation challenges to keep people motivated, nutrition plans to keep people on track, daily emails to keep you inspired and focused and a community of support that is second to none.



When it comes to your dreams and your vision, some things just can’t be copied… don’t be afraid to be the first!

5.) Surround Yourself with a Winning Team

No single player ever won a Super Bowl, World Series or championship by themselves. It takes a team and a strong supporting cast of people using everyone’s best talents for the mutual good of everyone involved. I could not do this without my team.

JT personal trainer bootcamp new port richey successJT started our boot camp program almost 2 years ago after suffering from a serious injury thinking he was just going to try a few workouts and that would be it. Fast forward and he is now an integral part of our team and fitness community. Even though he is half or even a third of some of our client’s age, he has walked the path before them and done it the right way. This earns trust and respect from me because I know he will show people the correct way and it earns respect from others because they know what he has already overcome to get to this point. Sara Crosswhite transformation tuesday new port richey personal trainer bootcamp

Sara started off at our backyard bootcamp over 3 years ago shy and quiet newbie. She set big goals for herself and has achieved so many personal milestones along the way. After just over a year of exercising, Sara stepped out on a competitive NPC stage for her first bikini contest. The snowball effect from accomplishing that goal has led to her inspiring hundreds of other ladies to start their own transformation. As a mother of two, she has accomplished fitness goals that so many other moms aspire to achieve themselves. She also has patience and compassion that her clients love and appreciate so much.

Rich New Port Richey personal trainer fitness boot campRich and I have known each other since he was a long haired, pierced everywhere teen. What separated him from every other person who asked me questions in a gym throughout the years was his desire to learn why. He didn’t want you to just tell him how to do it, he wanted to learn why to do it. Since the beginning Rich has been there by my side every step of the way soaking in everything like a sponge, learning, questioning, evaluating, and bettering himself so that he could better others. Now he has become one of the best trainers that any person who is looking to change their life would be fortunate to have by their side. He will never let you fail because I would never let him fail. He is paying it forward! Transformation Tuesday michelle bootcamp owner new port richey fitness bikini

The most important person in this equation has been my wife Shelly. She has been my motivation and inspiration since day one. I remember the day I talked to her about starting my own weight loss company. Without even worrying about the risks, she was 100% there to support me and even push me to get this started. She’s been there for every spark of creativity that hits my brain to add her input, offer suggestions and shed light on what she felt was missing or needed….even if I wake her up in the middle of the night to tell her!

She has been my therapist, my support team and most importantly my reality check. Anyone who knows my wife knows that she is the most grounded person you’ll ever meet. There’s no sugar coating any BS, it either is or it isn’t, no in between. She has taught me to trust in myself and not fear what other people think. She has shown me that as long as every action we take this from our heart that we can never do wrong.

The people that have changed my life and made and better version of me.

There’s one common theme amongst my team which also includes Sara’s husband Shawn and our great friend Bob…

They love, give and care wholeheartedly for everyone around them in their lives. They give with zero expectations of getting back in return. Their lives are enriched by enriching others lives. They want to leave everyone they meet a better person whether its through health, actions, or a genuine smile. I couldn’t be more thankful or more blessed to have such a kick ass group of people by my side in this journey.


6.) If YOU Want it Bad Enough

The number one lesson I’ve learned is this, if you want it, you can get it. No one is ever going to give you anything, you have to work for it and earn it.

But, even that isn’t enough sometimes. You have to make mistakes, you have to learn, you have to modify and improvise. You have to be willing to make sacrifices today for your future tomorrow.

It’s not going to be always glamorous and rewarding but, that is where your competition quits.

Be the person that works smarter, works harder, dedicates more, gives more, learns more, shares more, loves more and eventually you will have more. Derek with new port richey boot camp

It doesn’t take more time and it doesn’t take more money to start working towards your goals. It takes a mindset.

During those first few years I collected enough overdraft fees to support a small village and I worked 50, 60, 70 and more hours weekly. I didn’t have time and I definitely didn’t have money. I had a dream and a vision. I worked while others slept, I created while others copied and I cherished the valuable relationships in my life. Now I still work the same amount of hours but the difference is I create my own schedule and have accrued 0 debt and 0 credit cards in the process. You can’t buy success.

I am confident that whatever dreams and goals that was sparked in your mind while reading this story can and will be accomplished by to you if you put these 6 tips into play.

Be proud of who you are and don’t let anybody hold you back. You are your only competition in this life. Get out of your own way and watch the magic that unfolds!

Have a question for me? I’d love to hear from you. Please fill out the form below and I’ll reply back as quickly as possible!