Are you in the top 1%?
The competitive bodybuilding, physique or bikini stage is not for everyone. In fact, those who do step on stage are apart of a tiny group that I like to call the 1%. Truthfully that number is even a little higher than it should be.
In the past 5 years we’ve had around 1,100 clients workout at our bootcamp gym. In that time we’ve had 19 ladies and men take their transformations to the contest stage.
It’s scary!
It takes balls and even BIGGER lady balls to get up on that stage and suscept yourself to criticism and scrutiny.
Something we ALL try to avoid in our day to day lives.
What outsiders admire about these competitors is how they look and the finished ‘package’ they present on stage.
What outsiders never get to see or hear is the personal growth, the inner strength, the personal confidence, the triumph over adversities and all of the roadblocks that attempted to halt their journey.

So what is the difference between them and everyone else?
They didn’t quit. They trusted their coaches. They trusted themselves. They found an inner power they didn’t know existed.
Let’s here it from these four inspirational clients themselves about what they learned about themselves throughout this training process…
Mike Vanacore
“All my life I have been the underdog, and I have been made fun of.
So I decided to change my life around. At first it was to just get in shape.
But then I fell in love with getting fit and made it a addiction.
This is what led me to compete and brought me to LiveFit where I call my second home.”
Krissy Vien
“I remember the first time Derek asked me to do a bikini competition. I completely laughed it off and never thought I would think about it again.
Well, Derek is pretty persistent and convincing. Some how he talked me into drinking the kool-aid.
I did my first competition this past weekend and can honestly say I’m glad I accomplished this goal.
I’ve learned a lot about myself and my body. It’s exciting to see what you can endure and push through.
Getting on stage was the hardest part for me. I could workout and follow a diet all day. But put me on stage with people just staring at me literally judging me…..nerve racking…. Lol
I’ve made good friends through this and amazing memories and that’s more then a trophy!
This is a great family I’ve been blessed to be apart of. I was astonished at how much support was given by people at the gym leading up to this and the support at the show!”
Kirsten Phillips
“Over the course of the past 8 weeks I researched and listened as many around me explained how the overall feeling would be as I stepped on stage and how great I would feel once it was all over.
I won’t say any of it was wrong, but for me I found myself preparing for as much as I could and for once not being over stressed on the outcome.
By the time I stepped on stage I had a full belief that there was a reason I agreed to show up and a purpose that I was able to tough out the 8 long weeks it took to get to that point.
What I learned was that, my body is full of surprises and what we put in our bodies makes a huge difference in the what we get out. I also learned that I’m a whole lot stronger when I trust the people around me than when I try to work alone.
This weekend I became closer with two of my teammates and I became close to myself, my body and my mind.
While the outcome wasn’t being number 1, I felt like a million bucks standing side by side with Missy and Krissy because together we did it!”
Missy Deschaine
“I remember looking at pictures of some of the previous NPC competitors and thinking “Wow, those girls are amazing. I could never do that!”
I’ve never been an athlete, never been on a stage, and until this year I’ve never even worn a two piece bathing suit in public.
Needless to say committing to this was terrifying, but the journey was amazing.
Over 9 weeks, I pushed myself harder than I ever thought I could, learned a lot about my body and stepped WAY outside my comfort zone. The amount of support I received while training for this competition from the trainers and fellow LiveFit clients was beyond words.
Walking on stage this past weekend was such an amazing experience.
Was it scary? Absolutely, but it was also fun, exciting, rewarding and so much more.
I walked off stage feeling accomplished and more proud of myself than ever before.”
My hope for you is…
I hope that when you see this your thoughts are exactly like Missy’s, “wow these girls are amazing, I could never do that”.
But I hope after seeing their pictures, reading their personal accounts and watching the backstage video that you’re inspired to want more.
To want more results, to want more dedication and to want more commitment…for YOU!
Listen, I know you are afraid to fail. We ALL are. The secret is to harness that fear and use it as fuel to not stop until you reach your goal.
Because if you quit, then your fears have won and got the best of you.
If you prevail, you make fear your bitch!
How do you want to be remembered?
Committed to your fitness success,
Derek Kuryliw, CEO/Founder