I was trying to think of a cool way to get you started on the right track for the upcoming new year. I’ve had a lot of questions through email and text since this weekend asking what type of goals they should set, how to make sure that they eating the right things and not wanting to get any further out of shape before starting back up next week.

I’ve found myself sending out primarily the same links to everyone so I wanted to share with you what I’ve shared with them.

I’ve broken up my Top 10 list of tips and tricks for you that I’ll be sharing with you over the next 3 days.

Without further ado here is your first 3 tips to kicking off 2016 on the right path…

(Oh and don’t forget to check out all the crazy New Year’s sales at the bottom of this page!)

1. Do you keep swinging and missing? (secret to crushing your resolutions)

Do you have all the right ambitions but just never enough follow through?Secret to fitness success

Does it feel like you keep swinging for the fences year after year but keep striking out?

You hear it every year, “next year will be my year!”

If you keep doing the same things you did this year, you are more than likely going to have the same results you did this year.

In order to have change you need to make change.

If you are reading this blog then chances are there is a motivation deep inside you that needs to be refined, focused and directed into attainable action steps.

The reason why New Year’s is so popular is because it’s a deadline. Much like a deadline to get things done, New Year’s works in reverse in essence that is a chance to finish up on all the things we know are wrong and gives us a definitive date to make a change.

Deadlines are powerful because they force us to take action. Whenever there is an action, there is a result.

Sometimes the result may not be favorable to what you are looking to achieve but at least you can redirect your focus and learn from your mistakes.

When you take no action you learn nothing, you achieve nothing and you gain nothing.

So if deadlines lead to actions and actions lead to results, where do we start?


 2. Is your diet making you fat?

You want results and you want them quickly, I get that.

If you’re not seeing them quick enough, you need to look at where your weaknesses lie.

For most of us we start the day off great, ready to tackle our goals. But, as each day goes on we are faced with the distractions, obstacles and challenges that can either make us or break us. 5-truths-about-fat-burners_a

Think about your food choices for a minute. When do you make the biggest mistakes?

Is it in the morning while you were having your coffee and (cereal, Greek yogurt or protein shake)?

Or is it late night after a long day of work, maybe after a workout or kid’s event and nothing is ready for you in the fridge when you get home?

So what do you do? Do you pull into that infamous drive thru and try to order the best thing on the menu?

Or since you are already going through a drive thru, do you just throw all the chips on the table and get whatever you feel like getting at that time?

Convenience can be your best friend or your worst enemy. Unfortunately most of the food choices that are available quickly and readily are not the most healthiest of options.

That is until now, find out how to fix this problem now in under 3 minutes https://derekkuryliw.com/is-your-diet-making-you-fat/

3. Can you AFFORD to keep living this way?


What if I told you the life you are currently living is costing you more than just your health? What would you choose to do?

Between 1998 and 2006, just 8 shorts years, there was an increase of 37 percent in obesity in the UnitedStates population. Now, one in every three adults in the Unites States is considered obese!

obesity numbersWith fast food restaurants at practically every corner, video games/tablets/cell phones that discourage physicalactivity, and a pill made for every snap, crackle, and pop, sadly this isn’t surprising.

The “average” weight, every day person, is said to spend approximately $3,400.00 in medical expenses annually. This number goes up to roughly $4870.00/year for those people that fall into the “obese” category.

Prescription costs for “average” weight individuals are estimated at $700.00 yearly, increasing a whopping 80 percent to $1300.00 for the “obese” population.

This means medical expenses are currently costing you $65 – $94 per week or $9.31 – $13.34 daily.

Increased frequency of check-ups, higher risk of medical issues, becoming prescription dependent, lack of proper daily nutritional intake, and stress amongst a long list of other things all are contributing factors into the above mentioned numbers.

Find out how to stop this downward cycle, save money and get healthier https://derekkuryliw.com/can-you-afford-to-keep-living-this-way/

I hope these first 3 top blogs of 2015 help you to get leaner, stronger, more energize and healthier in 2016!

Committed to your fitness success and the next phase of your journey,

Derek Kuryliw, Fitness & Nutrition Coach

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