I was trying to think of a cool way to get you started on the right track for the upcoming new year. I’ve had a lot of questions through email and text since this weekend asking what type of goals they should set, how to make sure that they eating the right things and not wanting to get any further out of shape before starting back up next week.

I’ve found myself sending out primarily the same links to everyone so I wanted to share with you what I’ve shared with them.

I’ve broken up my Top 10 list of tips and tricks for you that I’ll be sharing with you over the next 3 days. Today I bring you part 2 of 3.

Without further ado here is your first 3 tips to kicking off 2016 on the right path…

(Oh and don’t forget to check out all the crazy New Year’s sales at the bottom of this page!)

4.) 37 Ways to Be a Total Badass- Chris McCombs

This isn’t just how to be a badass…it’s how to be a badass human, a difference maker in this world and how to be a peace with yourself, your actions and your decisions.parental advisory explicit lyrics

Most of the articles on the internet about being a badass focus on getting laid.

Now, there sure ain’t nothing wrong with gettin’ some, but this post ain’t about that. It’s not for the aspiring pick-up artist, nor is it about getting ripped or being able to kick someone’s ass.

It’s about going through life as a true badass…

It’s About Being an Agent of Awesome on a Grand Adventure

…and having a helluva good time along the way.


Read this now and refer back to it over and over!

Original blog posted here—-> https://derekkuryliw.com/37-ways-to-be-a-total-badass/

5.) 3 Reasons Why We Fall Off the Wagon

It happens to even the best of us who dedicate our lives to improving others health and fitness levels. It happens to even those who have skipped desert at holidays or birthdays to “watch the extra calories” or “fit into my bathing suit”.

You are right on track exercising regularly when, one day, you just can’t seem to work up the strength or willpower to get there. Why? What gives? For each of us that answer can be different.

Most importantly, the only way to overcome this hurdle is to identify the cause.

Reason #1: You don’t have enough time

Reason #2: You don’t see results

Reason #3: You are self-conscious or intimidated

These top 3 common problems are addressed in detail explaining step by step exactly what to do to break out of your rut and get back on track today https://derekkuryliw.com/3-reasons-why-we-fall-off-the-wagon/

6.) Why your 5 closest friends matter (your circle of influence)

It doesn’t matter how smart you are, it doesn’t matter how talented you are, which skills you have, where you are born, or which family you came from. The most important thing if you want to be successful in life is the people you surround yourself with.5 people of influence success

Motivational speaker Jim Rohn famously said that ‘You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.’

I am the average of the five people I spend the most time with.

You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.

This relates to the law of averages, which is the theory that the result of any given situation will be the average of all outcomes.

Others around me determine how I think, how I act, and ultimately how successful I will be.

Others around you determine how you think, how you act and ultimately how successful you will be.

When it comes to relationships, we are greatly influenced — whether we like it or not — by those closest to us. It affects our way of thinking, our self-esteem, and our decisions.

Of course, everyone is their own person, but research has shown that we’re more affected by our environment than we think. Read the rest and learn how to use the critics in your life to empower you for success https://derekkuryliw.com/your-circle-of-influence/

I hope these 3 top blogs of 2015 help you to get leaner, stronger, more energize and healthier in 2016.

Tomorrow I will unveil my final 3 top blogs of the year as well as my top transformation of 2015!!

Committed to your fitness success and the next phase of your journey,

Derek Kuryliw, Fitness & Nutrition Coach

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Click the picture to see all our current specials!