No matter what you do when you first begin a new fitness routine, SORENESS is sure to follow.
Now you might not believe this, but there will be a day when you miss this soreness. Yes, it’s true!
It’s important to realize though that soreness does not dictate whether you had a good workout or not. But in the meantime, let’s make sure YOU know how to recover between workouts, support your metabolism and fuel your body to transform!
The first thing you want to make sure you are doing to recover in between workouts is to make sure you are consuming a post workout protein shake immediately after your workout.
Why immediately?
During exercise your body is creating a bunch of these small micro tears, which you want, so that your body builds it’s own protection (more muscle).
It’s similar to getting a cut on your skin. After a few days it stays to heal, the wound closes and the previous cut is not replaced with a thicker skin called scar tissue.
Now the better you treat that cut/skin during the recovery process with lotion or neosporin the quicker it will heal and the less tough the remaining scar tissue will be.
So post exercise when your muscles have all of these little micro tears, protein is going to be the nourishment it needs to build and recover properly.
Protein also helps to keep you feeling full, increase your metabolism, build lean muscle and supports fat loss. DON’T SKIP THIS STEP!
The next step to a successful recovery from your workouts is to incorporate BCAA or Branch Chain Amino Acids.
BCAA’s are composed of the amino acids Leucine, Isoleucine and Valine. What’s significant about these 3 aminos is that even though they are naturally found in all protein sources, they are the only amino acids that your body cannot create on it’s own. It needs additional supplementation.
The best time to drink your BCAA’s is during and after your workout.
Why during? Well it’s actually one of the few supplements that will help to buffer and offset the lactic acid BURN you feel while exercising. What this means for you is more endurance, more strength and jump starting the recovery process.
Why after? Just like protein BCAA’s will continue to work for you long after you have left the gym. You can sip on them anytime after your workout: with meals, between meals, at night, during cardio, all morning
BCAA’s will also help to naturally increase protein absorption, stabilize your blood sugar, dramatically increase your recovery between workouts and…oh yeah the taste freakin great!
Check out the video Shelly and I shot for you above to learn our favorite brands and flavors as well as some other key tips on how to implement Protein and BCAA’s into your post workout regimen.
Committed to your fitness success,
Derek Kuryliw, Your Fitness Yoda 🙂
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