Injured? Weak? Out of shape?Print

Have you ever heard the word bootcamp and just said to yourself, “No way! That’s definitely not for me!”

I totally understand. Exercise is intimidating enough and then you hear the word BOOTCAMP and it probably makes your butthole pucker up!

It’s ok. I personally am not a fan of the word bootcamp for two reasons…

1.) there are WAY too many gyms, backyard workouts and unsupervised exercises classes popping up everywhere calling themselves BOOTCAMPS,

2.) the name does not even come close to giving justice to the care, compassion and motivation we share with our clients enabling them to finally have confidence and happiness in their body’s and themselves.

That is WAY different than when I think of the military style bootcamp stereotypes I’ve grown up watching in movies.

The truth is, we are different. I am beyond proud of that.

In my eyes, being different is a major compliment, especially when it comes to the fitness industry and bootcamps specifically.

We welcome people from all walks of life.

People looking for change. People looking for friendships. People looking for hope.

We don’t judge or put anyone down. We motivate and build people up. We help people realize their potential.

Are our workouts challenging? Hell yes! motivation stairs first step success

But, no matter any person’s ability level, age or previous injuries we are there to help you every step of the way.

We provide modifications for any and all exercises so that you can progressively build strength safely and effectively by teaching you proper form and technique.

We don’t yell at you. We don’t belittle you.

Our job is not to make you feel bad about yourself, our job is to EMPOWER YOU!

It’s not about what you look like or what you wear…

It’s about having guts, determination and becoming a little better today than you were yesterday!

Check out some great actions shots in the video below of people just like you who realized the hardest part about getting in shape is just getting out of the car.

Ready to take the next step? Try your first 30 days of unlimited bootcamp workouts for only $30.

You’ll get everything you need to be successful no matter how Injured, Weak or Out of Shape you might be feeling!

Committed to your fitness success,

Derek Kuryliw, CEO & Founder

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