So I’ve been struggling with something that I’ve kept internally and only share with a few people that are close to me or if it has happen to come up in a conversation.

It’s something I’ve dealt with really hard in the past two weeks, but have been dealing with my entire life the more I think about it.

Now you might be thinking this addiction is to drinking, or drugs, or gambling, or smoking but it is probably something that you are addicted to as well!

I’m addicted to food and more importantly I am addicted to sugar.

The first step is admitting that you have a problem, the second step is how to address the problem.

The food and commercial food industry has set us up for failure.

Think back to the chaos as everyone prepared for hurricane Irma. How much did you panic about food ?

As soon as there was food available at a fast food, Chinese or pizza delivery how quickly did you order even though you probably had enough food rations for at least a week waiting at your house…for an entire family!

The other thing that really hit hard is I started to eat things that I normally would never eat. Things like Doritos, Oreos and Publix chocolate chip cookies were constantly in my hand.

The problem was, as soon as all of those things were gone all I wanted was more!

I found myself every night wanting some sort of dessert before bed. This is a path to disaster and it has to stop.

Check out the new video I shot for you with a 7 day Sugar Management Challenge.

By following the 7 day plan you will ensure that you stay on track Monday through Friday throughout the week but still be able to enjoy your favorite cravings on the weekends.

Except they’ll be planned and in moderation…but most importantly without the guilt!

I excited to hear your feedback and what your favorite cheat meal will be 🙂

Committed to your fitness success,


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